Part one: Who wants a kitty?

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This is a Halloween special I created about a few weeks ago enjoy! (P.S. I made this a two part story because I thought it was too long to be a one shot, but I also didn't want it to turn into a full blown story, so I made a two-shot. I can't post the second half right now but I promise too have it up soon. Also, sorry for people being out of character, this is only my second time writing with Dialovers.)

[Name]'s POV

I was right in the middle of a really nice dream about my (imaginary) boyfriend and I having a romantic evening on a beach in the Dominican Republic, or someplace like that, when I was so rudely awakened from it by a bright flash of lightning and a loud crack of thunder. I bolted up in shock and it took a moment for my mind to recognize the dark green walls of the small bedroom in my apartment, which could only mean one thing, 'Darn! It was just a dream... I was really looking forward to that [favorite fruit] smoothie, too!' I pouted before reaching over and flipping on the lamp that sat on my bedside table. Another bright flash of lightning streaked across the sky, illuminating my already lit bedroom even more. Knowing what was to come next I quickly lay back down and covered my hair with a pillow, successfully deafening the sound of thunder outside my window. I sat up and pulled back the curtain. "Oh shut up! Who asked you to be so obnoxiously loud so early in the morning!?" I yelled at the sky. As if to respond back I heard a low rumble from the darkened clouds, which I had just noticed were literally pitch black. "Don't you talk back to me! I was in the middle of a great dream and you woke me up! The least you could do is quiet down!" The sky let out an almost inaudible crack of thunder. "That's better," I mumbled closing my curtain again. Since I was already too awake to go back to sleep I figured I might as well get the day started, so I cast a glance at the digital clock (which also sat on the bedside table), noted that it read 7:45, stretched, slid out of bed, and walked over to the bathroom, grabbing my towel off the back of my computer chair on the way.

I walked out of the bathroom with my hair still wet from the shower; I didn't really see any point in drying it off too much since it was just going to get wet again anyway. By now it was about 8:00 so I got dressed, went to the kitchen, grabbed a piece of toast, went to the door, grabbed my [color/pattern] umbrella that I usually leave next to the door, and left, remembering to lock the door behind me. I walked down the dark, rainy street under my umbrella when I heard something, a growl of some kind, and stopped, I looked around, but didn't see anything so I shrugged it off and kept walking. Then I heard it again, louder this time, so I looked around again, I was a little spooked now, since I was the only person outside on a stormy day and just happened to be standing right next to a suspiciously dark alley. So when I didn't see anything I took a cautious step forward when I heard a hiss, 'Okay, that time I definitely heard something,' I thought and that was when I noticed a cardboard box sitting in the alley. I stared at the box for a little when it jolted. I raised an eyebrow, 'Wonder what's in there,' so I walked over the box and opened it up without a second thought. I gasped at the contents, "Kitties!" Inside the box were thirteen of the cutest and unusually colored kittens I had ever seen and, oddly enough, a teddy bear, which I only noticed because one of the kittens ran over and snuggled against it as if it were its mother. "Hello you adorable little balls of fluff," I said and reached inside to pick up a small platinum blonde kitten, "Well, aren't you just the cutest thing in the world! Yes you are! Yes you are!" The kitten mewed at me, "Aw~!" I squealed and a burgundy cat, still inside the box, growled lowly. A black kitten, that was a bit bigger, meowed at the burgundy one and it hissed back. "Ok, ok, no fighting you two, I know that rain makes everyone a little cranky and this storm is definitely unpleasant, unless you like the rain, like me. And I know that cats hate the rain more than anyone else, so here," I placed the blonde kitten back inside and put my umbrella over the box, "you can have my umbrella. I have to go now, but if you're still here when I get back then you can come live at my house. How does that sound? Nice right?" And with that I stood up, waved to the box of kitties before walking down the street again, if I didn't get a move on I'd end up soaked, which was not something I was looking forward to. Just because I liked the rain didn't mean I liked being stuck in it –well maybe sometimes, but not today. So, with a bit more of a spring in my step, I continued on my way.

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