A new toy

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His smirk was evident under his thin mask. He looked at the pair of "protective parents" and let out a large rough laugh.

"Oh this should be fun." He unhooked the blade on his back moving it lazily around in his hand.

Kanata let an arrogant laugh leave her throat.
"Oh yes, fun. Well for me anyway. I suppose. I seem to remember throwing you around like a rag doll last time we had a play date. Like to have another round?" Her speech might have been a bit of a stretch but Zabuza apparently did take her word seriously.

"As much as I'd love that, I brought you another toy to play with," as he said this another presence appeared on the bridge.

The masked boy form the mist. He stood silently near his master.

"Keep that one busy Haku," he pointed a Kanata briskly before looking to kakashi.

"As you wish..." The boy said making fast hand signs. The Justus began to form around them. Kanata moved quickly throwing both boys out of the radius of the forming ice with her chains. A dome of ice formed around her. Haku  stood inside with her. He stepped back his body sinking into the ice. His image appeared on the surface as well as on the others. His image quivered slightly as he pulled a senbon needle from his robe. Kanata stood firmly, her kunai and chains poised and ready.

A rain of senbon needles came from every direction. She came into action immediately dodging the continuously flying needles. She had kept up her defense until she felt a sharp pain in her newly healed leg. The pain distracted her from the barrage causing her to take another in the shoulder. The rain ended and then silences

"Ugh DAMN IT!!!" She said ripping the needle out of her shoulder. Some blood dribbled from the shallow puncture. She gripped the needle in her leg and pulling it out.

"You couldn't have maybe laid of the freshly healed leg you little shit!!" She said gritting her teeth at the feeling of her now reddening wound.


His voice was everywhere and so was his chakra. It was even through out.

"Kanata are you ok?" Naruto yelled from outside.

"I'm fine boys," she said looking at them from the spaced between. They had only been able to watch. Seeing them so close worried her. Some blood was staining her cloths .

"No you're not! I'm coming in," Naruto said heading towards her.

"No stop!!!" She yelled holding a bloody hand to him.

"Naruto what are you saying! You're not going in there," sasuke said punching his arm.

"Oh sorry. WE'RE coming in."  He said running into the dome sasuke angrily in toe. They stood at her back kunai in hand. Haku's head tilted slightly in his image.

"You've raised...idiots," he said entertainment in his voice.

Kanata let out a sigh, smiling grimly to herself.

"Yeah I know..." She said turning towards them only to giving a good slap to the back of their heads.

"Seriously...!" She said scowling at them, " this isn't the sort of battle you just waltz into. He's dangerous, lethal!

"You flatter  me," Haku  said from his place, "I only plan to keep you in check. I'll only kill you if I have too,"

"We need to help kakashi," she said quietly to the boys, "finding a way out of here however will be a rough and most Likely painful,"

"Most likely..." Haku echoed.

"WOULD YOU BUTT OUT!!!" Kanata yelled looking into the mirrors.  Even with the mask on she knew Haku was smiling

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