Chain training

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"Kanata sensei, were are we going?" Naruto asked as they walked

"Somewhere we can cause a lot of damage without getting in trouble," she said as they continued their trek up the steep hill Side. They finally reached the Stoney top.

"Alright this should be good. Now, it's important to know that chains can be used generally or dangerously. First we need to see if you actually have chains. Try to focus chakra on your back and relax. As you practice, bringing  them out will be like second nature." She said as her own chain came out "I can use up to ten chains but Usually I only use six," 

Naruto followed her instructions and focused. slowly his chains became visible until all were fully exposed. They shook and wobbled in the air as chakra ran unevenly through them.

"1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9..." Kanata counted out loud.
Just like the nine tails she thought.

"To retract them, suck in and reduce your chakra"

He sucked in air as the chains disappeared into his back.

"Your doing great, you can grab pierce and stab with chain or use them with jutsus."

"Kanata sensei can I please see a really powerful jutsu, pleassssse!"
He begged giving her a puppy dog face that could make a mother melt.

"Ok ok but you have to stand far back" she said pointing to a raised area behind them. He ran yelling in joy. Turning around she summoned all ten of her chains. They spread out behind her evenly forming a line above her. She did quick hand signs.

" 衝撃波 Shōgekiha (shockwave)!" She shouted The chains slammed down on the ground making the earth shake. The cliff side broke like glass from the earth shattering blow (pun intended).

The debris tumbled with a mighty rumble as half the hill fell to the ground far bellow.
Kanata slightly cringed.

"I might have over done that," she said scratching her neck.

"Wow that amazing! Can you teach me to do that?" He said eyes glistening in anticipation.

"If you work hard yes but first you need the basics. Step one is control, moving your chains to different places."

They practiced until sundown. Kanata was extremely satisfied with his progress. He could move his chains without them shaking and he was getting the hang of moving them individually.

"Your doing great Naruto, I'm so proud" Kanata said giving him a pat on the back.
"I'm starving, let's get ramen,"

"Your the best!" He said giving her a hug. They raced to Ichiraku.

After enjoying their ramen, Naruto and Kanata parted way exchanging hugs and kisses.

Hey reader I know this chapter was kinda short but I'll try my best next chapter. Please tell me if its ok to start getting into the Chunin exams or if I should wait. Hope you enjoyed.


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