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Kanata woke early and got in the shower. She tried to stay quiet, so that kakashi could sleep. She stood in the shower, letting the warm water run over her body.
She wrapped a towel around herself, quickly running to her room to change.
She quickly dressed in a a dark blue kimono top and a slitted skirt with fishnets and high ninja Sandals.
She walked into the kitchen to find kakashi sitting at the table already dressed and eating. His mask was off. He looked up shocked.
She just stood there wide eyed.
She snapped out of her trance
"I'm SORRY! I'm so sorry!" she said running back to her room.
Her mind races.
He was handsome
She blushes slightly thinking about his features. But she also felt guilty. She had seen something he wanted to keep a secret. She was also in his home because of a order. This caused her to sit on her bed and rest her head on the wall.
She jolted back up when there was a knock on the door.
Kakashi opened the door, face still uncovered. She put her face down on her bed, causing her white hair to spew across her body and the bed. There was a shift In The bed.
Kakashi had sat down beside her.
She sat up with her eyes closed.
"Well you saw my face so there is no use keeping your eyes closed. You were bound to see it sometime. Open you eyes," he said taking her face in his hands. She opened her eyes to see his handsome face before her.
She could feel her Crimson blush tickle her cheeks.
"Why hide it" she said leaning into his hands.
He laughed lightly "Way to much trouble not to. Not a lot of people have seen my face. Mostly close friends. It's ok though, I trust you with my face,"
She nodded smiling slightly.
"What?" He said giving her a puzzled look.
"I'm just happy. We have only been together for a little while but I feel like we are very close." She said
They just smiled at each other until  Kanata realized something.
"Weren't we supposed to meet you genin!?" She said standing up.
"Crap!? We better go,I'll grab my stuff and wait for you." He said running from the room.
She hurried and grabbed her ninja tool bag, attaching it to her leg and ran into the living room.
They left running from roof top to roof top. Until they reached the training ground were the genin stood.

They landed near them.
"Kakashi sensei your late!" Yelled a girl with pink hair.
"Sorry guys there was a black cat.."
"Save it" she said holding up her hand.
"Anyway guys, this is Kanata she will be joining us for training for missions. Kanata this is sasuke, Sakura and Naruto," he said pointing to each. Kakashi noticed she stayed quiet and looked over to her. She was staring into Naruto's eyes. Without warning small tears welled in her eyes and fell down her cheeks.
"You look more like her up close ya know" she whispered.
She hugged Naruto close in her arms.
"I'm so glad I get to finally hold you, Naruto" she said holding him in her arms. Kakashi stood quietly not knowing how Naruto to would react. Probably shouting or yelling.
But he did something that shock team 7. Naruto clung to her and tears flowed from his cheeks. She just stroked his hair.
"I'm so happy to meet you" she said breaking the hug.
"But you've always been here with me." He said holding her hands.
"How could...." She began but the blond interrupted her.
"Your smell is sweet. It was in the air all around me since I was young. Now when I'm so close to you I can tell it was you" he said giving her a goofy smile      
"Your like a guardian angel or mom. I'm so happy I can finally see you,"
She gave him a closed eye smile
"Well your guardian angel say it's time to train" she said standing up
They trained hard for a few hours until sun down.
"How about I treat you to ramen at Ichiraku's" she said after a gulp of water.
"Yes yes yes! Thanks Kanata sensei" he said jumping up and down.
"Kakashi, kids want to come with us?" She asked turning to the others.
They nodded as they began to walk. They all told her their favorite type and many other thing on the way.

As they entered the ramen shop, they were greeted by Old man Ichiraku. They sat in the order of
Kakashi, Kanata, Naruto, Sakura, and sasuke.
Kanata ordered
"One miso ramen, one spicy pork ramen, three bowls of pork ramen with extra pork belly, one light ramen, and one spicy curry ramen."
The food came and everyone said thank you for the food.
"Thanks so much Kanata sensei!" Naruto said digging into his ramen.
They all ate happily and when they were finished they began headed their separate ways.
"See you later Kanata sensei" Naruto said running towards his home.
She waved smiling.
She just stood there and watched him go.
They were finally together and she couldn't be happier.
Kakashi broke her from her trance
"We should go home. It's getting late"
"Yeah your right" she said as they headed back towards the apartments.

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