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Well, here goes nothing.

I'd start about around when I was five? right.

I was an extremely shy, kind and princess-like girl you'll ever meet. I was so shy that I actually was scared of other human beings and did I mention, that I did not talk ? Well yeah, that happened. And my parents never tried to make me communicate with other kids & people. Soo the weirdest thing my parents talk about and I myself remember is the fact that when me moved from the rural area to a big bustling town I had to start going to kindergarten. Oh boy, how I disliked that place. Nevertheless I had to go. But instead of playing with dolls, cars or with other kids like they usually do I went straight up to our janitor(s) and started a conversation on the spot. That didn't happen like once or twice per year. It was an everyday thing and when my parents later asked me about it when they came to pick me up. I had told them that the other kids were stupid and didn't understand me. So I just kinda naturally ventured to the group I felt the most comfortable and friendly in - which sadly was the teachers group. Whoops. Talk about a weird child. One more thing. When I was small I never called my parents by "mom" and "dad" like other kids did, including my brothers, aunts and grandparents. I called them by their first name. I do not know why though, I'm guessing it had something to do with a previous life or something? I remember my mom telling me to stop calling her by her first name, because other people might get the wrong impression otherwise and I didn't understand it- she wasn't my mom, she was that person I called her. That was utter confusion to me. I was four by that time. But I was a very people pleasing kind of child so I obliged to call her my mom. I guess I got used to it over time. Now I call her different versions of moomin and mom. I liked to draw and in kindergarten I knew I wanted to be an artist. In doing art I found something I couldn't find anywhere else- except books- but they came later. When  I graduated- Oh the embarrassment!- my mom let my 6 year old self to do a pink dress out of some scrap material. I sew it myself- which was horrible,horrible, horrible, but still a dress(somewhat)- and I actually went and graduated with other kids. Others kids parents almost fainted when they saw what I was wearing. The dress didn't have a back piece whatsoever and it stayed on because of the one measly shoulder piece, that was loosely pulled a bit over my shoulder. The dress was meant for a mature woman, who goes out on a Friday night to a club. Yep. That's what happened. I still wonder to this day, WHY-god forbid-WHY, would she let me go to my kindergarten graduation half naked in a self sewn dress. It stays a mystery til this day when I am all grown up and cringing so hard upon seeing on those pictures. I've had those moments more than I' like to count, but that - that has proof which will not disappear suddenly over time. It stays. To my extreme and ultimate embarrassment. //

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