Chapter 3 ~ The Party ~

Start from the beginning

"Do you know who did this?" he yelled at me. I flinched backwards.

"Don't talk to her like that." Jason said. I smiled gratefully that he was standing up for me. I held my hand to stop him and Vince to move any closer to Phil. I saw Jason tense so I smiled reassuringly at him. I turned back to  face Phil. His face was so red I thought e might actually explode.

"Yes I know who did it." I said calmly. Phildid seem to care though because he just kept on yelling at me.

"Well don't just stand there. Tell me!!!" I gritted my teeth to stay still, so I wouldn't hit him.

"No." I said firmly.He looked behind me and looked back to me with a murderous look on his face.

"It was Grace wan't it?" He said with venom dripping from each word he said. He took my silence as a 'yes'. He started to move but I stopped him. "Get out of my way. I won't hurt her. We're just going to have a little chat."

"No your not. She was upset. How would you like it if you were cheatedon? Oh wait your the cheater not the cheatee." A hurt and guilty look crossed hid face. Well it's way to late for that. I guess I should explain if you haven't figured it out already. Phil and I went out of about six months. I trusted him  but he broke that trust and slept with my former girl best friend.

"I'm sorry. Is that what you wanted to hear!?" He yelled at me. I just shook my head.

"No I didn't really care what you said. Just leave her alone. I sighed, Sick of this conversation.

"Lev-Just stop being an asshole and leave her alone. Have sympathy for her. If your still going on about it, I'll help clean it up." He looked at me for a few more second and walked away in the opposite direction of Grace. I breath out in relief. I grabbed Jason's drink from his hand when he was about to take a swig. I realised that he hadn't had any yet. Oh well. I downed it one go. Starting to feel a little tipsy as I handed it back to Jason. I need fresh air. I grabbed Jason's hand and lead him outside. We walked outside into the garden and sat down on a bench. I put my head on hid shoulder and rested.

"Alethiea?" I grunted so he knew I was listening. "I umm have something I wanted to tell you." I nodded my head slightly for him to continue. "I err think- wait no, I know I do." He took a deep breath to start again. "I love you, Alethiea." I was shocked. Not that I wasn't happy but just shocked. I grinned and looked up at him. I pulled his face to mine and pressed my lips to his. I pulled away.

 "I love you too." He grinned like a maniac and put my head back on his shoulder.

"I'll be right back. I love you and stay put." I nodded and stayed on the bench.

"I love you too!" I yelled back. He chuckled and  gave me a small but passionate kiss. I saw him walk back into the party..

I was in the garden for about five minutes waiting for Jason when I started to get really dizzy. But I only had one drink. I tried to stand up but i was too dizzy. Everything was spinning around and I couldn't get it to stop. When I finally stood up I fell immediately.

"Damn she took the drink." A mysterious voice said. I felt myself being lifted up. The mystery person started to talk but I couldn't hear them anymore. I was slipping into the darkness. "We'll just have to add you to the plan." The mystery person said. They sound a bit sadistic. I tried to stay awake but the blackness was too much. Every second i was slipping into it until it fully consumed me.


I have a terrible headache. It felt like someone was in my head with a jackhammer. Not a good feeling. Where am I? I couldn't open my eye properly so i left them closed. I started to move my hands around too feel my surroundings. Well I think I'm on carpet. Eww... I felt warm liquid. I opened my eyes but immediately regretted it. I screamed at what I saw. The warm liquid was blood. It was Jason's blood. I stopped screaming and started to cry. I moved closer to him. I checked his pulse. Nothing. I started to shake him. Still no response.

"You can't leave me Jason. Please please please don't leave me. I. Love. You." I said in between sobs. "PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME!!!!"

Somewhere in the back ground I heard a door open but I couldn't get myself to concentrate on anything other then Jason.


I heard someone scream but I couldn't bring myself to care. I felt numb as I look at Jason.

I don't know how long I was there but I felt someone pick me up by my arm.

"You are under arrest for the murder of Jason Bentley." This snapped me out of it. I was about to talk but the harsh looking policeman started to talk again. He was also putting on cold metal cuffs. "You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to speak to an attorney. If you cannot afford one, an attorney will be provided at no expense to you. You have the right to not answer questions at any time and request an attorney be present before any questioning continues. Do you understand these rights?" I walked along stiffly until I was in the backseat of the police car. I saw streets go past. We were obviously going to the police station. It was going to be a long ride

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