A battle with a Cinnamon Roll?!

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Aya (Lily)'s POV

After finding (Y/n)-Senpai We met her friends. The little kid was so adorable he reminded me of Honey-Senpai from OHSHC. And according to (Y/n)-Senpai he's a boy. When I saw Sally-chan talk to him she had a little blush, I think I just found my new OTP~ *coughs* anyway the skeleton in the blue jacket, told his brother he was gonna head home. I think their names are Sans and Papyrus. Well LJ-Senpai was talking to Papyrus-kun. Soon Papyrus-Kun left as (Y/n)-Senpai showed us around. She even re-told the story about this place to make sure we got it. I looked over to Frisk(-kun). Is it just me or is there another person floating next to him? We all kept walking till we passed a home but the lights were off "Looks like we just keep going." (Y/n)-Senpai said looking at the house. We kept walking till it started to get foggy "Why the fuck is it foggy!" I heard Jeff said as me and (Y/n)-senpai covered both Frisk and Sally's ears. As I scolded Jeff for his careless language a figure suddenly appeared in the fog "HUMANS!!!!!" I stopped scolding Jeff as I heard that voice. We all turned around and faintly saw a silhouette of Papyrus-Kun "Papyrus?!" We all shouted "HUMANS. ALLOW ME TO TELL YOU ABOUT SOME COMPLEX FEELINGS." Papyrus started. All of blinked in confusion "FEELINGS LIKE... THE JOY OF FINDING ANOTHER PASTA LOVER. THE ADMIRATION FOR ANOTHER'S PUZZLE-SOLVING SKILLS. THE DESIRE TO HAVE A COOL, SMART PERSON THINK YOU ARE COOL." "Is he talking about that frozen spaghetti we left alone?" Toby asked we shrugged "THESE FEELINGS... THEY MUST BE WHAT YOU ARE FEELING RIGHT NOW!!! I CAN HARDLY IMAGINE WHAT IT MUST BE LIKE TO FEEL THAT WAY. AFTER ALL, I AM VERY GREAT. I DON'T EVER WONDER WHAT HAVING LOTS OF FRIENDS IS LIKE." Everyone sighed in relief for some reason as (Y/n)-Senpai was silently giggling "I PITY YOU... LONELY HUMAN... WORRY NOT!!! YOU SHALL BE LONELY NO LONGER! I, THE GREAT PAPYRUS, WILL BE YOUR... ..." Most of us were smiling but those smiles dropped when he paused. Papyrus-kun looked conflicted as he then turned around "NO... NO, THIS IS ALL WRONG! I CAN'T BE YOUR FRIEND! YOU ARE A HUMAN! I MUST CAPTURE YOU! THEN, I CAN FULFILL MY LIFELONG DREAM!!! POWERFUL! POPULAR! PRESTIGIOUS!!! THAT'S PAPYRUS!!! THE NEWEST MEMBER... OF THE ROYAL GUARD!" Then out of nowhere different colored hearts appeared, to be honest we were all freaking out. The only ones who weren't was (Y/n)-Senpai and Frisk-Kun "whoa calm down guys it's just your soul." "BUT WE'RE NOT SUPPOSED TO HAVE SOULS!!!" Jeff screamed before I smacked him "Shut up and let's focus!" I screamed. All of us heard a ping sound. We all look over and Frisk is flirting?! "WHAT!? FL-FLIRTING!? SO YOU FINALLY REVEAL YOUR ULTIMATE FEELINGS! W-WELL! I'M A SKELETON WITH VERY HIGH STANDARDS!!!" Then Frisk clicked something "[I Can Make Spaghetti]" "OH NO!!! YOU'RE MEETING ALL MY STANDARDS!!!" I couldn't help but giggle but Frisk flirt again making me do an anime fall "I GUESS THIS MEANS I HAVE TO GO ON A DATE WITH YOU...? LET'S DATE L-LATER!! AFTER I CAPTURE YOU!" I just noticed the attacks but I panicked and stood still. Weird thing is the just past through me. Then I felt a lot of pressure on me "YOUR BLUE NOW THAT'S MY ATTACK!"(I know this is out of order but I don't care) Another bone came and I jumped over it. Everyone else barely did. Apparently we took turns (Y/n)-Senpai said not to hurt anyone down here. It was my turn and I look at the options. I saw [🔪Fight], [🔊Act], [👛Item], and [X Mercy] options, I choose mercy

[❤ Mercy]


Spare was the only option so I pressed that. "SO YOU WON'T FIGHT..." Papyrus said and I nod and an attack came. I just dodged them all. It reminds me of my training and I started having fun.

~Your POV~

Lily seems to be having fun, she can never harm someone as sweet as Papyrus so I understand her sparing him even if I didn't tell her to spare every monster down here. At times we had to stop people like Jeff from hitting that Fight button. Soon Papyrus spared us, he was tired but we weren't which makes sense, we are killers, killers don't seem to get tired easily. After that battle Papyrus was upset about not being able to catch us and his friend, reputation, thing will remain at 0. Jeff being the rude prick he is said Papyrus was a loser, which got him a really hard hit from Lily as I said we'll be his friends. That made him happy and said that he hasn't even gone on a date with Frisk and he already hit the friend zone which made me laugh. We all head back to his house and there we hung out. After Frisk and him did a 'date' which made us laugh a lot. I saw Sans staring at all of us and  I just left him alone for now and hung out with everyone. I wonder what will happen next? I look forward to tomorrow.
This was bad :P

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