Death Lily's Backstory

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For the time being this is a chapter for Death Lily and her background. Don't worry I'm getting the next chapter up but how are you gonna understand a character without at least some hints to their past. But this is gonna be the whole back story to Death Lily and why she's called that and how she came to be.


Public: 2 Years and there were still trying to find the culprit to many murders. The only clue was writing on the walls of every victims home and it said

" G U E S S  Y O U R  S O U L  I S  P U R I F I E D  N O W ~ "

We have one survivor who was brave enough to tell the tale.

"I-I didn't know what happened at first but it was terrifying. The first thing that happened was white lilies were suddenly given to me. Then I always feel like I'm being watched or followed. After a few days I start to hear music. But not the type that can reassure you no.... each day was a different song creepy and spine chilling. Then one day as I was heading home at near late night you see a figure. She had blue hair but near the top looks white or silver (will explain that later). She had a mouth guard or something and she wears a cape similar to those depictions of the grim reaper. Her hair covered one eye her visible eye had three triangles underneath it and what seem like a bloody tear streak. She stared at me making eye contact. Her eyes were blue and dead. But you know when your screwed when you see her eye have blue and red glowing mist leaving the eye and that blue eye turns a bit red. She will then lunge at you swinging a scythe 

 She will then lunge at you swinging a scythe 

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(For Reference :3)

I was able to dodge it barely and she suddenly appears behind you and whispers in a very eerie yet hollow voice "Your soul is tainted. Stay still so I can purify it." I moved away freaked out not knowing what she meant and spoke again "My name is Death Lily. Guess I'll purify your soul now~" She would have killed me if the police didn't appear."

We advise everyone to be in their homes before night falls. And if you are somehow out and see this criminal call the authorities immediately 

Origin: A 4 year old girl lived with her older brother and Father. She never met her mother. Her name was Aya Sai. Her father, Izanagi, was a strict businessman. Her older brother, Kiyoshi, was the lovable and the kind of brother everyone wants. Aya was a very young otaku since they lived in Japan for most of their life. She loved lilies. Especially white lilies. She liked them for the represent the soul of the departed has received restored innocence after death. Red Spider lilies were also her favorite for it reminded her of blood. She was a little crazy. They moved to america because of her father's job. It's well paying and he thought it be a nice change in scenery. They did know a little english but with speaking japanese for a long time they did have a bit of an accent. After a few years they were be able to go to a public school, being home schooled by a really smart tutor will have it's perks. 

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