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" It'll just be for a few more days! Don't worry Y/N, we'll be home as soon as we can." Mingyu said as you pout.

" C'mon Y/N, when we get back I promise we can go do whatever you want." Wonwoo chimes in. Sighing, you agree with them and end the call. Even if they'll be gone for a few more days, you can't help but miss your boyfriends, especially when you have to sleep alone on the snowy nights. You go to work, doing your normal routine. But you can't help but have the thought of your boyfriends in the back of your mind.

" What if it takes longer. I mean it is their second tour." You thought. Walking along the the tall buildings of your city, you get lost in your thoughts, not even noticing that you bump into someone. You grimace as you feel yourself lean backwards, about to fall. Instead, two arms wrap around your waist strongly. Opening your eyes, you come face to face with Wonwoo. Your jaw drops as he gives you a smirk.

" Surprise." Is all he says as you see Mingyu walk up, laughing to himself about how funny your reaction was. Unwrapping yourself from Wonwoo, you go to Mingyu, smacking him lightly with a smile.

" Shut up cheeto head, no one asked you." You tease as he stops laughing, Wonwoo lets out a low chuckle.

" Couple days my ass! You liars!" You pout as Mingyu leans over, pecking you forhead.

" Hey, I did say it was a surprise." Wonwoo points out as he takes your hand. The three of you start walking home together.

" And besides, you're so cute when you're all surprised." Mingyu said. You roll your eyes.

" How'd you know I'd be walking?"

" You always walk to work dummy, it's not that hard to figure what time you come home." Wonwoo said. The three of you erupt in giggles as you enter the apartment. Once you are dressed in warm pajamas, you get sandwiched in between your boyfriends. Loving pecks and cuddles are shared with a movie playing in the background. Even if you don't see them often, when you do it's always a memorable time.

"We love you Y/N"

" I love you too my Meanie."

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