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there was no fear in yoongi as he sliced the last rebel in the side. the man dropped, dead, and yoongi sheathed his sword. he took off towards the main halls, seeing if anyone of his own was hurt. no emotion was present on yoongi's face, his eyes remaining a cold, stoic stare. the other knights fell into position, remaining ready to fight. yoongi kept a hand on his sword, though he had no plans of pulling it out.

after a quick and thorough look around the castle to see if anyone or anything of the rebels was left, they began to clean up. maids and servants scrubbed high and low to get the dried blood off the walls, and knights remained next to them, still ready to protect and defend.

yoongi threw off the outer layer of his blazer, trudging to the bathroom. he threw his hands in the sink, splashing his face with cold water. he bent back up, inspecting his face in the mirror. a long cut ran from the apple of his cheek to the corner of his mouth, and a bruise was forming on the other cheek. blood was beginning to dry from the cut, and he stared at it for a moment before licking it off. his eyes flashed red.


jimin kept lee on his shoulders, still walking. the sun was beginning to set, and the moon was the only thing that gave jimin hope of being safe. the revolt had to be ending, right? he should at least walk closer back to the castle to stay safe- but, where was it?

the moon only gave off so much light, and with the thick treetops over head, jimin's hope was starting to diminish. jimin stayed silent, walking in a random direction. not doing anything and letting his guard down was the last thing he was going to do, and it would have given him more opportunities to accidently fall asleep. lee stayed silent too, probably also afraid to attract unwanted attention.

it finally became fully dark out, and jimin could only count on the moon to guide him. his feet hurt, his eyes beginning to droop. he wouldn't be able to carry lee and walk much longer. he grabbed lee and held onto him tightly, beginning to climb a tree. as long as they were in a tree they would be safe. well, at least jimin hoped. he reached the center of the tree and layed down as comfortable as possible,  putting lee on another part to rest. lee quickly fell asleep, and jimin, after struggling to close his eyes and finally let his guard down, did too.


a rough shove was all it took to get jimin out of the tree and onto the ground. he landed with a thud. his eyes quickly opened, he quickly spotting the one who did it. 

the man threw lee out of the tree, jimin quickly catching him and holding him close. the man didn't like that very much, his wolfish features molding into a scowl. he began to growl.

"you are going to lead me to the castle and let me in," the man hissed. he walked towards jimin. his threw his hands to his sides, sharp, long claws outstretching. jimin gasped, quickly standing. while he wanted to run off, he knew it would be of no use. he slowly shook his head no.

the man let out a menacing chuckle, throwing his head back to howl. jimin took the opportunity to rush off to the tree, letting go of lee. the man flung his head back and rushed towards jimin. jimin threw himself at a branch. the branch snapped off, and jimin quickly swung it at the werewolf. the man grunted in surprise, face swinging to the side.

"lee, run, now!" jimin screamed. lee didn't need to be told twice, his legs carrying him off to anywhere safer than here. the man threw his head back again, but this time, he began to morph. bones cracking, fur growing. before long, the man was now a 6 foot beast. jimin looked up at his face, hope seeming to leave his body. the man swung at jimin.

 jimin was struck, thrown against a tree to the left. his back hit the tree, gashes reopening. he hissed in pain, glaring at the beast. he grabbed another branch, running at him. the werewolf swung again, but this time jimin ducked. the branch made contact with the werewolf's back, it sinking in. the werewolf howled in pain, whirling around. the beast's claws came down on jimin, sinking into his side. he was thrown into another tree. the werewolf chuckled again, and jimin growled, eyes darkening. just as he was about to throw jimin again, jimin raised his hand.

 his hand glowed. a light shot out, throwing the werewolf as easily as he had thrown jimin. the werewolf hit a tree, knocking it over. jimin kept his hand outstretched, waitinf for the werewolf to rise again, but it didn't.

the werewolf began to morph back into a human, and jimin sighed in relief. pain began to set in, it being ten times worse since he drained his energy with the powers he used. he leaned against a tree, spitting the blood from his mouth. it was hard to keep his eyes open, but he managed.


lee had ran as fast as he could when jimin gave him the directions to. he hadn't had stopped until he found the castle, knowing how much danger jimin was in. if jimin hadn't had carried him most of the time, he would have never had the energy to run like this. jimin must have had the idea to save his energy so he could run to safety. lee never understood why jimin cared about him so much.

"prince yoongi!" lee shrieked. he dashed into the castle, running anywhere he could. people watched the little boy race down the halls, concerned. one of the butlers groaned a little, rushing towards him.

"and what do you think you are doing, young man?" he grumbled.

"i need to get prince yoongi! jimin is in danger and a werewolf is att-" before lee could sputter on, the butler was racing towards where the prince was.

"prince yoongi, sir, there is this little boy here who says your jimin is being attacked in the woods," the butler explained. yoongi quickly opened the door, eyes widened.

"what?!"  yoongi was already down the stairs and out of the door. lee instructed him on where to go, and yoongi did.

it seemed like they would never find him. while lee looked under bushes, yoongi called out. finally, yoongi stopped. he grew frustrated, tears flowing out of his eyes. he groaned, staying quiet so he didn't sound weak. they all stayed quiet for awhile, taking a quick break. before yoongi could speak again, a loud thud sounded. it shook the ground. yoongi quickly followed where he heard it, the others following in pursuit.

when they reached the knocked over tree, yoongi found jimin. sweet, sweet jimin. battered jimin. hurt jimin. his jimin.

yoongi rushed over, just like he did when he first found him. jimin's shirt was soaked with blood, and it took everything in yoongi's power to not lose control. yoongi couldn't control his tears. he wept at the sight of his beloved jimin. before he could get to carried away, he picked up jimin and rushed off towards the castle again. jimin winced and yelped in pain, and yoongi quickly shushed and soothed him.

when they made it to the castle, jimin was whisked off again, and yoongi watched him go. yoongi paced the main hall for awhile before breaking down. he ran to the library and rushed towards the back, trying to quiet his sobs. he didn't know what he'd do if jimin didn't make it.

jimin had to make it.


err i tried again to end the chapter but i couldn't and i just eeeeeee

- jadeyyyyyyy eyyyyyy <3

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