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the next day, jimin felt better. he opened his eyes and looked outside through the window, seeing it was just turning light outside. he stretched in front of him, letting out a soft yawn. he looked towards the door to see one of the butlers already there staring at him. he jumped and stared back at the butler before slowly waving. the butler all of sudden moved to the window (which made jimin jump again) and opened it, letting light shine in the room.

"good morning jimin. you had a good night sleep," he spoke. jimin knitted his eyebrows, puzzled.

"u-uh..yeah. how did you know..?" he questioned.

"i watched you sleep. prince yoongi requested me to, to make sure you were okay throughout the night. and yes, prince yoongi is quite handsome,"

jimin looked at the butler, still puzzled.

"you were mumbling in your sleep."

jimin blushed bright red, his eyes widening. what else embarrassing things did he say? he quickly covered his cheeks and looked out the window.

"so, u-uh, how did you manage to watch me the whole n-night?" jimin quickly changed the subject.

"oh, he hasn't told you.." the butler looked at jimin, his lips forming an 'o'. he walked slowly over to jimin, getting his attention. he sat in the chair next to the window and began to speak again.

"well, maybe i should just show you this," he pulled his top lip up to show two fangs, white and gleaming. jimin thought back to when yoongi smiled last night. he thought he could see fangs, but he wasn't sure. "so, as you can tell, everyone here is a vampire. well, except you, that is," the butler spoke again. he pointed to jimin and walked to the door, turning back to him when he reached it. "i'll notify prince yoongi you know so he doesn't have to go through the trouble of telling you again,"

he walked out and closed the door behind him. jimin sighed and fell back, laying fully down. what had he gotten himself into?


after awhile, jimin sat back up and stepped out of bed, holding onto the nightstand beside it for support. when he fully got out, he walked to the small bathroom connected to the room, closing the door behind him. he looked at himself in the mirror, rubbing his eyes. his hair was a mess from sleeping, it sticking out in little tuffs in a few spots. he also had a small cut from his cheek to about his mouth. he chuckled at how bad he looked compared to everyone else. everyone else was in fitted suits and dresses and such, and here he was, in a plain white loose tee with ripped jeans. he also was much tanner than everyone. yoongi was ghostly white, which was probably from staying inside all the time. jimin, on the other hand, was usually outside a lot.

he liked how tan he was though. jimin began to make the bed and sat on it, looking around again. he was too shy to walk out on his own, plus he didn't want to get lost. the castle was really large after all.

soon, yoongi walked in, waving to jimin.

"good morni- oh, uh-" yoongi looked at the clock and back at jimin, who was smiling at him.

"good evening, i mean," he blushed, scratching the back of his neck.

"good evening, yoongi.." jimin greeted. yoongi sat next to jimin and turned to him.

"ah, i see the scratch has scabbed nicely," yoongi gently grabbed jimin's chin and slowly moved closer to him. jimin widened his eyes, blushing dark red. yoongi then turned jimin's head to the side and rubbed his finger down the cut, examining it. "does that hurt? ..uh, jimin?"

jimin quickly snapped out of his thoughts. "u-uh, no! not really, n-no.." he sputtered.

'fuck' jimin thought.

yoongi snickered and stood up. he then held his hand out to jimin.

"do you want to walk around the town? i could give you a tour so you didn't have to feel so lost.. maybe you might even find a place to stay or something," yoongi scratched the back of his neck again. jimin looked out the window and to the nearby street of buildings. he smiled.

"i'd love to. i might get cold, but that's alr-"

"i'll give you one of my coats, scarves and hats, it'll be alright," yoongi interrupted. jimin widened his eyes a bit.

"n-no, you don't have to do th-"

"if you get sick, it'll make getting better harder, i insist giving you warm clothes," yoongi concluded. jimin just nodded, still smiling.

"i'll go get them, i'll be right back," yoongi walked out of the room.

jimin looked at the door and let out a deep breath, grinning widely. he swung his feet eagerly and kept his head down, his hands on his cheeks. they were warm.

yoongi soon came back with a grey scarf, a large brown coat, and a brown beanie.

"i'll go change into something warmer, and when i come back we will go," yoongi smiled and sat the clothing down on the bed, walking out of the room again. jimin quickly put on the coat and zipped it up, throwing on the beanie and the scarf afterwards. he looked at himself in the bathroom mirror again, fixing his hair. he heard a soft knock on the door and threw on his shoes, opening it after. yoongi was there, smiling, and quickly offered his hand to jimin, which he took gladly. from there, the two walked out of the castle, passing two butlers on the way.

"how much money you bet that they date?" one questioned, leaning on a broomstick.

"hm.. a 20," the other replied, smirking.




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