Chapter 2 What I will never have

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chapter 2: Tinuzza95

I woke up to the sound of my stomach growling. I didn't have a meal in days, I was used to this life style but my stomach still annoyed me. I had to wait for more days to eat. Or maybe I would  be lucky, and find some food on my way to the capital.

My throat was dry from the heat in this place, where there is nothing but dry grass, and a straight road. The road never ended: it seemed to go on forever, like my journey. Will I have be able to find the capital? Will I ever be able to arrive at destination and be helped?

I shook my head. I couldn't waste more time , since it was dark outside and the temperature was colder. It was time for me to begin my journey again. I stood up, and when I looked down, in the spot where I was lying previously, I saw a pool of yellow liquid. Tears were forming again in my eyes: what have I become? Why did this happen to me?

I started walking again. I HAD to make it to the capital. For the first time in my life, I needed someone that would take care of me. All my life, I did what people told me to do. I helped my family in every way, I always cared more about the other people than me. I loved helping people. That is a reason why I wanted to become a doctor: all of the people that died for a cut that was not cleaned, or for diseases that they didn't know. That is what I wanted to do: I wanted to save lives.

Memories came back to me. Everything I will never have. Everything I lost because of that marriage. I never finished school. That school that would have make me able to become a doctor. I will never be able to save lives. I will never have a husband that loves me for who I am inside, not for my beauty, not for the child I could give him. I will never have a child. A child with my brown eyes, and my black hair. A child that loved his father and mother.  I will never be able to provide a safe house to a kid, make him or her go to school, have a life full of joy and happiness, where there are not money problems.

Thinking of kids made me cry even harder. I killed a life. Sobbing, I tried to dry my eyes, so I could seen where I was going better. But my tears never ended. And with the tears, the liquid that came down my legs flowed never ending. What did I do to deserve this? I always helped everyone.

And why? Why my baby? My beautiful son. I never even gave him a name. But he didn't need a name to be real and important. He was my son. And he died. He died.

My tears didn't stop, like the memories flowing into my mind. He died. My poor poor baby died because I didn't take enough care of him. All of this, the traveling, the liquid coming from my body, everything was a punishment for me.

'Walk. Walk. Keep on walking. Keep on walking.' I said to myself. I was tired. So tired. I needed some water. I needed some food. I walked for hours in the dark, falling because of the rocks. I couldn't see anything, and I was tired.

'No, don't give up. One more step' I thought. I stepped and fell on something cold, that looked like a body. It smelled bad, and I was afraid to see what it was. However, my curiosity was taking control. Pushing with my arms, I raised my torso to see what made me fall.

I screamed, and stood up. I started running away from it. I ran, and ran, till I felt safe enough. I had fallen on a dead body. A body of a woman. She had bites all over her, and her clothes were ripped off. An animal had attacked her.  Was I going to end up like that woman? Was I ever going to find the end of this journey.

I was tired. But I started running again. I was not going to end up like that woman.

It was midmorning. After walking all night, and running half of the way, I was starting feeling confused. My final destination was starting leaving me, and the only thing I could think of was sleeping. I needed rest. And food. And water. I needed help.

In that moment the dust and the pain made my memories faded, lending me nothing more than a sarcastic push. I had to go on. I had to arrive to Addis Ababa. If I didn't reach the capital, then I will die.

But I won't die without fighting. I have to fight for me. I have to fight for the son that never had a chance to see the sun. Never had a chance to see his mum, or grow up, go to school, have a nice life. He will never live, and he will never create a family.

A real family though. A family with him, and a wife that decided to marry him because she loved him, not because she needed his money. A family with a lot of kids, all healthy and happy. A family that would have made all of my pain for my marriage going to have.

With the thoughts of my son, and the man that I will hate till I die, I kept on walking. I was going to make it. I HAD to make it.



So, this chapter was written by me, Tinuzza95!

Next chapter, it will be written by my friend, iguana95.

Please, tell us what you think of our story. Our project is really important, and we want to raise awareness of something that happens a lot here in Ethiopia.

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