Part Five.

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Arthur hesitated "Uhm... How is everyone else?"
He didn't know what to say.
"All those who were sick are recovering. Their progress is slow but they should be fine by tomorrow."
"Oh, that's good. Thank you." Arthur said, but it was clear that his mind was somewhere else.
"So... If that's all, my Lord... I should go help Gaius in the infirmary." Merlin said feeling a twinge of disappointment.
"Yes, that's all". Arthur swallowed.
Merlin turned to leave again. Arthur stopped him once more.
"Wait! Merlin... I just.... I want you to stay." he said in a small but clear voice.
"I'm sorry Sire but I have to go. I'll be back in a few hours."
"Alright then." Arthur replied.
Merlin left the room, his vision blurry.
Arthur doesn't remember anything. He was delirious. He forgot what he said. He probably didn't even mean it that way.
Merlin ran as fast as his feet could carry him, tears running down his cheeks.
I'm so stupid. Arthur thought.
I'm such an idiot... Merlin knows... he knows that I love him... what does he thinks about me? I probably disgust him now.
I don't know what to do... I'm scared... but I can't ignore what happened... I just can't...
When he'll come here again, I will talk to him. Yes, I have to face the consequences.
I'll have confess to him no matter what his reaction is. No more hiding. I'll tell him... I HAVE to tell him that I love him with all my heart....
I need to wait, just a few hours.
That was his last thought.

~The End~
(Author's note:
I just edited the chapters because my english was kinda bad when I first published this lol.
A huge thanks to everyone who's still reading this fanfic after three years!
I really appreciate that.
I remember I wanted to end it this way, with an open ending, so there's no next chapter. :)
Lots of love.)

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