Chapter 30

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Louis' POV

Come on where is he. I know there are so many other people graduating, but still. It's been almost an hour and I still haven't seen that handsome devil of mine.

"Elise Stein." UGH.

"Jamie Stinkle." The professor called. Any minute now ...

"Har-" finally.

"Harley Stickle." Fucking bull—

"Harry Styles." I took my phone out, taking as many pictures possible. "Yeah! Wooh!" I yelled making him smile. When he received his degree. He turned sticking his tongue out towards me. What a goof. He shook all his professors' hands and smiled at each of them. Once he walked off stage, I sat back down.

Just an hour left of people's names I've never heard of and speeches. Nice.

After all the speeches and tears, we've reached the end. Everyone was walking to their families and I stood there searching for Harry, tippy toeing and jumping just to peak over a few groups of people.

Where is he? He saw me in the crowd up on stage ... he should've—

Suddenly, I felt long arms wrap around from behind me, lifting me up and swaying me. "Lou!" Harry's voice rang through my ears.

"Harry!" He put me down and turned around, smiling and kissing his cheek. "Congrats mister."

"Why thank you." Harry bowed and laughed. "Let's get out of here it smells like old women perfume and cheap flowers." I giggled lacing our fingers together, waking to his Camero.

"This year went by so fast ..." Harry sighed. "I can't believe it."

"Yeah." Was all I could say. This year was the fastest year, but also my happiest one. "Thank you for being a part of it, Harry." I turned to him tearing up a bit. I couldn't help being emotional about it.

"Oh, Lou." Harry reached over hugging me tight. I should be the one thanking you." Harry pulled away from the embrace.

"I texted Niall, Liam, and Zayn to meet us at the car. I wonder where they are?" Harry looked around.

As if one of them heard us, we heard banging all around the car and laughs. "What's up guys!" Niall popped his head into view.

"I know damn well you didn't smack you hands all over my car." Harry glared.

"Not hard." He rolled his eyes.

"Yeah ... uh huh. Hop in losers!" Harry joked as they piled in.

"To Buffalo Wild Wings!" Liam hollander as he squeezed into his spot.

When we pulled up to Buffalo Wild Wings, Niall cheered. "Hurry before we miss it." The four boys took off their gowns, revealing jerseys. They tossed them into the car and we made our way in.

Harry, Liam, and Zayn were wearing Patriots jerseys. Niall and I were wearing Broncos jerseys.

"Hello. How can I help you?" A short blonde woman asked.

"Reservation for Liam Payne."

"Right this way." She waved us to the seats and placed down menus."Enjoy the game!"


"Bullshit call!" Zayn yelled. Harry and Liam both looked disappointed.

Niall and I only smiled. "You guys are going to owe us 50 bucks!" Niall snickered.

"Shut up, Niall." Harry groaned.

"Touchdown! The Denver Broncos are sure showing  the crowd what they've got. Am I right, Dale?" The sport announcer spoke.

"I'm so done." Liam chugged down his drink.

"I thought this was gonna be an easy win for the Patriots?" I poked Harry. He rolled his eyes smiling.


"Hey, I almost forgot." Harry turned to me with a raised brow. "I'm going to Doncaster to visit my family, if you want to come?" I asked.

"I would love to. Besides Daisy left me with the cheese touch last time." Harry chuckled.

I love how much he has opened up with my family. It was heart warming honestly.

"And that ends the game folks. Broncos win their third game in a row and Patriots lose their streak."

"Dammit!" Liam hit the table. I could hear all the other Patriot fans in the building groan and curse.

Niall had a huge grin across his face. "Fifty bucks, easy." Liam opened his mouth to say something but didn't. He only took out two twenties and a ten tossing it at the blonde boy. "Yes!"

"I swear this game was rigged."

"Sure, pal. Talk your shit." Niall and Liam continued fighting in the car as we drove everyone home."Well it could've been!" Zayn just sat there laughing at the two.

"Jeez. I swear you're such baby. Just give it up." Niall rubbed Liam's shoulder.

"Fuck off, twat." Liam pouted. "Thanks for the ride Styles. Harry nodded and they both got out. Zayn hopped out as well.

"Finally!" Harry rubbed his temples. "For a second I thought we brought kids. They're so loud."

"I can help calm down that headache." I winked.

"Holy—" Harry's eyes went wide. He pulled out of the student parking as fast as he could. I giggled as Harry stepped on the gas.


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