Chapter 1

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Louis' POV

I stand there staring at the place I'll be calling home for the next 3 years. A very different feel to college I spent my first year at in England, understandably so since it's in a whole new country.

"Louis. Do you like it?" My mum's voice called, snapping me back to reality.

"Mum ... how did you pay for this?" I questioned her.

There was no way she made enough money to pay for this ... especially in a few months.

"Don't worry about it. Besides I know you've always wanted to come here since grade school, silly." Her voice cracked as she called me that. I can tell she was about to cry.

"Thank you mum. Really ... thank you for all of this. Tell everyone that I'll miss them." I put down my boxes and let out a small laugh. "And of course I'll miss you."

"I'll miss you too my little boobear." She hugged me one last time and walked to her car, waving and blowing kisses.

I've always hated the nickname 'boobear' but right now I couldn't care less. My previous college was for commuting so this is the first time I'll ever be on my own.

I started making my way into the gates and walked into the building holding all the dorms. I looked down at my papers and read. B264.

Which way is B264? I chose a random direction and hoped for the best.

B212. B248. B373.

Wait did I pass it already? Where's B264?!

"Do you need help mate?" I felt a hand tap my shoulder. "You look lost."

"Oh um yeah. I can't find my dorm." I put down my boxes and handed him my dorm slip.

"Yeah obviously." He snorted and looked at the card. "What a coincidence. I guess we're roommates." He smiled and grabbed my duffle bag.

"Really? I guess it won't cause you any trouble finding my room then."

"I guess but I don't remember where it is ..." He scratched his head and looked around the hall.

"You've got to be kidding me." I puffed and started looking at the room numbers.

"I'm just playing with you! I may be dumb but I'm not stupid. Come on it's just down the hall."

"Oh. Right." I felt like an idiot for falling for that but still let out a laugh of relief. He seemed to be an alright lad. He's a bit taller than me, brown hair, and tattoos up his arms.

"Tada!" He pushed open the door and right away the room was a dump. "Welcome to the man cave! My name is Liam by the way." He tossed my bag on a bed ... I think ... I hope ... I couldn't tell since it was all covered in clothes.

"Uh I'm Louis." From the outside of the campus I wouldn't think any room would look like this but hey it is college I guess. 

"Sorry 'bout that. I didn't think I'd be getting a roommate anytime soon." He shoved everything on the floor to make space for a new human. Ah I cant stand messy places.

"Sorry but I can't stand it when it's messy. Is that fine?" I began picking up clothes and folding them. I still felt a bit awkward. I mean I just met the guy and most people found it 'girl like' that I was neat.

"Psh definitely fine with me." Liam got up and started helping. "UK huh?"

"Yeah?" I was confused at first and wondered about how he knew."How'd you figure that?"

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