Chapter 29

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Disclaimer : This chapter contains smut.

Louis' POV

I woke up in my dorm, this is the last time I'll be staying here. I thought it'd be nice to since it is the last day of the semester. A proper ending, you know?

I smiled looking at my phone with notifications reading his name, all texts from him this morning.

Harry: good morning beautiful xx
Harry: wake up baby I wanna see your face
Harry: let's FaceTime when you're awake

I replied, yawning, and stretching from barely waking up about 5 minutes ago.

Louis: i'm awakeeee. face timing me in the morning? not smart, i look like a mess !

As I sent that text, my phone was flashing his name and contact photo. I clicked the answer button and his face appeared on my screen.

"Good morning, lazy!" Harry waved. "Before you say anything, Liam is driving so yeah."

"Ah hi, Liam." I yawned and sat up a bit. "You guys ready for tomorrow?"

"Of course we're not, Lou, it's graduation!" Harry ran his hand through his hair. Liam's voice yelled through the background. "I don't know what he's talking about. I can't wait! Just 14 hours 45 minutes and 29 seconds left!"

"Shut up Liam you nerd." Harry laughed. "So what are you going to do today, boobear." Harry laughed referring to the nickname my mum gave me.

"What kind of nickname is that, Styles." Liam said.

"Shut up twat. You don't get the inside joke." I giggled. "I'm actually getting you guys your graduation gifts after my last final."

"Gift?" They said in unison.

"Yes gift. But sorry Li Harry's totally is way better. Oops." I coughed.

"No! Are you sick?" Harry frowned moving the phone to his face.

"What no. I don't get sick."

"Sure. Keep telling yourself that." I heard Liam snicker.

"Oh no, Liam ... turns out I don't have enough money for your gift." I joked.

"What psh Louis doesn't get sick! Harry, why would you say that? What a fucking dumbass." Liam yelled at Harry making us all chuckle.

"Well, I'll talk to you two later. I gotta shower." We said our goodbyes and I ended the call. I rubbed my eyes walking to the dorm showers and stood in line.

Great. This is something I won't miss.


"Thank god classes are now over!" I said dropping onto the couch after Harry drove me to his apartment. Well ... our apartment.

"F-Fuck, Lou. I'm terrified." Harry blurted.


"What if they change their mind about wanting me at the studio?"

"They'd be stupid not to hire someone like you, okay? And they obviously knew that! That's why you got the job. You're just nervous. You want to do something that'll keep your mind off of that?"

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