A Killer Honeymoon

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Bella (From Twilight) POV

There's something mysteriously dark and sexy abiout a man who's body sparkles in the light of the sun light when you throw glitter on someone and then they run through a meadow with sun and the sun sparkles off the sparkles and it looks all pretty and things.

ive waited my hole life just to be able to be intimate with this man- well, he isnt really a man, is he? Hes a cold god, a image of what once was a man but is no more a man. His skin is as white as snow that has just fallen like in the beginning of winter, and his eyes are a shiny gold color, like the melted gold in the second Hobbit movie that i saw with my friends and other people from my school on the last day before winter break. That color.

He walked towards me, slowly, his muscles ripply through his body and you could see it under his skin all ripply like when you throw a stone into a pond. He walked towards me, his eyes locked on my body, i knew he wanted it, because we have been in love forever and we just got married and its our wedding night and now were going to get funky for the first time.

He stopped his slow walking right in front of me, and he was really close so i could feel his cold breath on me and it was cold because hes dead, and he towered over me because hes tall and ha didnt have a shirt on and through the window sun came in so he was slightly sparkly but i wasnt because i was still a human which sucks because i love him and want to be a vampire so i can be with him and love him forever.

So as he stood over me he raised his muscularly defined arm. And he raised that arm up and sparkles sparked off it and it was beautiful and i was caught up in the spell of the beauty and then he started to bring his arm done and hold my face but instead of stopping at my face his arm kept going knocking my head way off and as my head flew through the air it screamed and blood flew all over the blue room and everything looked purple because red blood plus blue everything else makes purple. When my head finally landed on the other side of the room it stopped screaming suddenly, and then all off the sudden it choked out blood and i died because Edward never really loved me. Then he laughed sexily and he walked out gorgeously and he sparkled and he left the honeymoon island and my body forever.

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