I just kept thinking about Gee. He was so upset and scared. God, I was halfway reaching for my phone to call the police when I shook my head. I made a promise to Gee and I don't want to break that promise. He trusts me, I don't want to change that. School is almost over, he doesn't have much time left here anyways. After that he can do whatever he wants.

I'm moving to New York and I couldn't help but worry about Gee. Leaving him behind with his messed up family made me nervous. His cheating father, alcoholic and abusive mother, and brother who doesn't give two shits about him. God, I can't even imagine. Gee still turned out to be such a good person despite all that.

I looked at the pink rubber band around my wrist, sighing quietly. Gee is so sweet, he doesn't deserve all the shit he gets. A part of me really doesn't wanna leave because I just don't wanna leave him behind. I can just visit every weekend. Or he can come up to stay with me on the weekends. It'll work out.

I felt someone poke my cheek and I jerked, my heart racing as I sat up straight. I saw that the sun was mostly up, the tv still on. I must've fallen asleep without even realizing it. God, I left the lights on too, my electricity bill is gonna be a little bit higher this month. I blinked a couple of times, seeing Gee staring at me with wide eyes.

"S-sorry for scaring you," he apologized. "Y-you're alarm is ringing and I don't know how to turn it off."

I just now heard the loud sounds as I ran a hand down my face. I got up, going to my bedroom and shutting off my alarm clock. Gee was standing behind me and I saw how his lip was still swollen and his jaw a now darker shade of purple than last night. I sighed, sitting on the edge of my bed.

"God, we've gotta go to school," I mumbled sleepily.

"I-I don't have my makeup to cover my bruises," Gee said.

I furrowed my eyebrows as I looked up at him.

"Is that what you do? When I think you don't get hurt you actually just cover the marks up with makeup?" I questioned.

Gee whimpered, looking down at his feet. "P-please don't be mad."

I sighed, pulling him down into my lap.

"I'm not mad, beautiful," I said softly. "Just don't lie to me, okay?"

He nodded and I smiled, tucking his hair behind his ear.

"Y-you're wearing my bracelet still," he said in surprise.

"Of course I am," I stated. "You gave it to me, it's special."

His fingers played with the bracelet gently as he yawned.

"D-do we have to go to school today?" He asked.

"Do you want to?"

He shook his head.

"Alright, we don't have to then," I said. "Wanna go back to sleep?"

He nodded and I smiled, tucking him back into bed. Luckily, my bedroom was on the inner part of the building so there was no windows, which meant the rising sun couldn't shine in. I shut off the light, going to leave the room.

"F-Frankie?" Gee squeaked.

"Yeah, beautiful?" I asked.

It was quiet for a moment.

"Nevermind," he whispered.

"You sure?" I asked.

"Yeah," he sighed.

I bit my lip, looking at him for a moment before I turned and walked out, shutting the door behind me. I went into the kitchen, yawning as I turned off the lights that were no longer necessary and turned off my tv. I looked through my fridge, finding some eggs. I cooked those quickly and toasted some bagels, spreading cream cheese over them.

About half an hour later I heard soft footsteps pad into the kitchen. I turned to see Gee, who still had yet to put on any pants. I hadn't even realized earlier because I was so tired but now that I'm more awake I could see that his sweater just barely covered his ass. I coughed, blushing as I turned away.

He's just a friend.

"I made breakfast," I said, setting the plates onto the breakfast bar.

Gee sat down and started eating as I sat beside him. I looked at his bruise and the way Gee would wince when the fork or the food touched his lip. We finally managed to finish eating, Gee--understandably--taking quite a while.

"How about I run you a hot bath?" I suggested.

Gee looked up at me and nodded. I smiled, running a hand through his hair as we walked into the bathroom. I started the bath, making sure the temperature was okay.

"B-bubbles?" Gee asked.

I bit my lip, looking through the little closet. Maybe Lynz or Jamia left something here. They're always leaving stuff when they sleep over. God, I've lost count of the number of bobby pins I've found around my house from them.

To my luck, I found a bottle of bubbles that had a sticky note that read 'Jamia's, don't use' on the front. I disregarded the note and poured some into the tub. They need to learn to stop storing stuff at my house. Just because I'm the only one with my own place doesn't mean I'm willing to just let everyone basically move in. They should be paying rent for the amount of time that they're here.

"B-but it says not to use it," Gee said.

"Oh, don't worry," I brushed off.

"But I don't want Jamia t-to hate me," Gee said sadly.

I smiled, standing up and facing him as I caressed his cheek gently, the side that wasn't bruised.

"She's not gonna hate you, sweetheart, she thinks you're adorable," I said.

He blushed and I chuckled. I waited until the tub was filled before I turned off the tap, seeing the expanse of bubbles that filled it.

"There you go, beautiful," I said, kissing his forehead. "Holler if you need anything."

Gee nodded as he blushed and I walked out, shutting the door. My heart was racing with nerves as I frowned in confusion. Gee was so pretty, why was I feeling this way with him?

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