Nurse Ana's smile comforts me right away. "Don't worry, your friends are fine. A little shaken up, that's all." I feel a weight I didn't even know has been building up on my shoulders, ebb away.

"As for your bodyguard," Oh no. I quickly force myself into remembering if anything happened to him last night. Ana lays one of her graceful hands upon one of mine. "As I said, I wasn't there, but I heard that he wouldn't let you out of his sight, not even when an ER doctor wanted to examine him." For the third time, she leaned in and whispered. "He even pushed doctor Madison over one of the examination tables at the ER, because mr. Bodyguard refused to be examined while you got your blood transfusion. Poor doctor."

She told everything like it was the most romantic story she's ever encountered at the hospital. Mentally, I roll my eyes. Yeah, he has a more or less violent history of being impatient with people .

When I'm quiet for a while, she stands up. "I'm going to let the doctor know you're awake. Call me whenever you need something." She smiled at me one more time and I thank her before she leaves the room.

I didn't get two seconds after the nurse left, or the door opened again and Vicky walks in. She immediately walks towards me and she gives me a faint hug. "Are you alright? I was so worried, I thought you were going to die."

I swallow the pain, caused by her hug and reassure her. "Don't worry I'm fine. How's Lisa doing?"

Vicky takes a seat at the bedside and folds her hands together. "Surprisingly good, although I don't think she will be trusting any boy somewhere soon. Her parents are with her now."

I nod. Lisa is lucky, having both her parents taking care of her. Would my dad be informed about the things that have happened? That I'm in a hospital now?

"Have you heard about it?"

I look up. "Heard about what?"

Vicky takes her phone out of her front pocket, googles something and hands it over to me. My eyes jump to the header of a news article, written in big, bold letters. "Two times abducted, One time shot: girl takes down mafia"

I give Vicky her phone back. "Is this serious?"

She nods. "You're a minor, so the big papers left your name out, but the internet figured out pretty soon that you're the heroin they're talking about."

I let my head fall onto my cushion. "Heroin?" I look up, to the blank ceiling above me. "I got us into this mess in the first place. I should never have escaped my house to go to Lucas' place. If Frank wouldn't have come for us..." Vicky interrupts me. "If you wouldn't have come, Lisa and I would have got abducted. Nobody would've ever known what happened to us."

I think it over for a while. The police would never have arrived in time to save them. She's right. I had to go through this horrible experience to save two friends. That makes it worth it. Right?

Vicky reassuringly squeezes my hand before standing up. "Vicky, what about those arrests?"

She shakes her head. "I don't know a lot about it, only that they arrested four people."

"Thank you."

She walks away. "I'll see you soon." And with that, she leaves my room.

How long have I been awake? Ten, maybe fifteen minutes? It feels like I've been awake for ages. The mess surrounding my life manifests as a clog in my stomach and I feel like throwing up.
I miss my dad, who would comfort me, but I'm not sure if even he can fix this. I feel so painfully alone, just like the weeks after I first got abducted.
But when the door handle slowly twists, meaning someone will come into my room again, I wish nothing more than to be left alone. I can't handle anymore news, not for now.

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