Chapter 17: Megan's Chat With V

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*More theories* Yay!!! 

Ok, I really don't know what to but here. Its just deepens the theories. 

Jungkook immediately left the room after that. It was like as if the figure told him too. "Hey where is Jungkook?" V said when he came back with Megan's lines. "V oppa, can we talk?" Megan said almost pleading him. "Last time I had a conversation with just me and you I somehow ended up half-naked on a bed with you" V said walking away to find Jungkook. "I wouldn't do that with you anymore" Megan said. It was the truth. She wanted to just talk to him. She wanted to know why he likes Jungkook and what he doesn't like about her so she can change. "What about me do you not like?" Megan said. "Look, I'm gay ok. I really cannot love you" V said back. "I don't care; you don't even treat me as a friend at this point. What is it that you don't like about me?" she said back. "I never knew that you were someone that would do that to me. You were like my sister. I trusted you. Should you had at least told me about what you were about to do?" V said out loud. "I'm sorry. Really V. I would be a person that you be loyal again" she said crying. "Well, I can't trust you anymore" V said and walked out of the room. "Jungkook. Where are you?" V said as he tried to find him. He looked around the floor that he was on till he heard a crash in the stairs. V ran to check out the staircase. There Jungkook was at the bottom. "Jungkook oh my gosh. Watch your step" V said as he ran down to help him. Jungkook got back up with V help. "What's wrong?" V said. Before Jungkook answered he saw something that made him freeze. V turned around. "What is it that you look so scared?" V said looking around and seeing the man. V froze too. "How is it that Jungkook knows him?" V said to himself. I should be the only guy that knows him. Why Jungkook too? Then V remembered what Jungkook told him a few days before he died. He told me that he was being stalked by this weird thing. That made them move their normal spots in the car. He never liked sitting in the middle and that day he sat in between Jungkook and Jimin since Jungkook was clinging onto him. That's why. It's because of him.   

*Ok so I will be making a bad ending and good ending. Two scenarios since I swear you guys would hate me if I just release the bad ending. The bad ending would be out tomorrow and the good one the day after that. Thanks for your support. This is just a mini-series on Vkook/Taekook. Never wanted it to be really big. Was expecting like 0 views but I have like 25.* Yay!!! TT *cries since you guys are so nice even if its just one person*

What If You Could Go Back In Time? A TaeKook Love Story.Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat