Chapter 8: At 4AM

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    Vwoke up the next day, still in the practice room. Don't worry it was like 4 inthe morning, the sun was hardly even out. He looked next to him. Jungkook wasnext to him, still slepping, his eyes glistened under the night sky. V moved ina gave him a peck. That woke up Jungkook. "What time is it?" he said waking up."Don't worry, it's like 4 right now. We can go back to our dorms at 5" V saidback. Jungkook moved in closer to V. "I thought that you weren't gay" V said. "Well,how can I say this. I realized it at a young age. Well, like a do admire girlslike IU, but that's admiration. Love is different. I would always force myselfto make girls look more appealing but at the end of the day, it all came backto guys. I then wanted to at least stay single my whole life if I was gay, tillI met you" Jungkook said. "Oh, really, but I mess up on everything that I do,yet you're so high up and everything" V said back. "Well, that's what I likeabout you. The fact that even though you were bad, you kept practicing and hadhope for the future. The fact that you are optimistic, 4D, sometimes a bitcrazy, but just can't help but smile around you" Jungkook said cuddling with V.The flash-forward came again. Jungkook wasn't dead, he wasn't in a coma either,he woke up but lost all of his memory. "Its fine. As long as you are still bymy side, everything would be alright" V said after the flash-forward and huggedhim back.           


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What If You Could Go Back In Time? A TaeKook Love Story.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang