Chapter 1 - First Night

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Chapter 1 - First Night
It was exactly one month until the Holy Grail War started all over again. Lena was in her small, two-bedroom house trying to talk to her idiotic half-brother, who just refused to listen. They had been debating about the Summoning Ritual for months, and the argument had finally reached its climax. She was so sick of hearing him whine about he should be the one to be Master.

"Flynn, it's not going to happen. You haven't even been training as a mage for the last 5 years! How do you expect to perform the Ritual properly?" she hissed at him, completely over his protests.

"Sis, I'm serious. I want to do this." Flynn was three years younger than her and had given up his mage training when their father died of cancer 5 years ago. They had been close, and Flynn had stopped training out of grief.

"No. You haven't trained properly, and most of your magic circuits will probably be dormant and unusable. Attempting the Ritual might even kill you. Just stop your whining. At this stage, I'm not going to even let you help me fight because you are pissing me off so much." Lena growled at him when he went to stand up, and he quickly stopped moving. "Now, go home, Flynn. It's over."

"Ssiiiissss!" He whined again, and she lost her temper.

"Flynn! Shut the fuck up and go home!" She pointed at him and growled angrily until he cowered away and finally headed for the door.

She rolled her eyes at his form disappearing down her driveway and sighed before she headed into the small basement that held the tools for her Summoning Ritual. The magic circle was drawn on the floor, and she was careful not to damage it as she got set up. Once she was ready, she stood in the middle of the circle and took a few breaths.

It took a few minutes before she was entirely composed and ready to perform the Ritual, and she channelled her magic as best she could before beginning to speak the words to summon her Servant. She was happy with whoever she got as long as she performed the Ritual and not her brother. The advantage of summoning them this early was that they could get to know each other and learn each other's abilities before the battle started. She hoped that this would allow them to work as a team instead of expecting the Heroic Spirit to do all the fighting.

Once it was complete, she felt an enormous surge of mana run through her entire body, the sensation taking her by surprise briefly before it died down, feeling the exhaustion come over her. She stumbled slightly, and strong arms caught her before she fell over backwards. After a moment to catch her breath, she faintly realised that it must have been her Servant that caught her and turned her head to look over her shoulder at them.

A young man with striking red eyes looked back at her, and they regarded one another blankly for a few seconds before he winked and smirked at her. Breaking her from her trance, she quickly stood up, not missing how he kept his arms behind her until he was satisfied that she wouldn't fall again. She spun on her heel to look at him and took a few steps back to continue her casual inspection of him. His hair was a pleasant shade of blue that matched his armour, and she could see that most of it was pulled into a low ponytail. He only looked to be a year or two older than her. She idly noticed that he was built very lean but wasn't wiry. Strong muscle decorated his form, and she slowly looked back up to his face, making eye contact with him after she shamelessly stared at him.

His smirk returned, much cockier this time, and he let her look at him up and down while he did the same to her. She was smaller than average height, a bit over 5 feet tall, with long black hair pulled back into a braid that reached her waist. Her skin was pale, and her eyes were a strange shade of grey blue. His eyes raked further down her body, and his jaw dropped as he stared. Though she was short, she had some incredible curves, which he took an extra moment to check out. Her waist was tiny, which probably accentuated said curves, but he appeared pretty pleased to have a Master who looked like this.

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