Chapter 2

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I rubbed my jaw that punch was a good one, I put my switchblade back into my pocket I'm tired as hell what times even is it? I let out a yawn there's a house just five minutes away lights on they'd have probably seen what happened actually now that I look where am I? I let out a long sigh running my hands down my face guess I'll have to ask them if they even answer..

walking up to the small house it was run down but strangely homey. I could hear laughter from different people sounding male "Did you see that? Man they ran" A rough voice spoke "yea.. a girl actually fought them off" another said I knocked on the door loudly making sure it was heard over the commotion it took a couple seconds before a very tall man who was over 6ft with broad shoulders, dark brown hair that was combed and greased back he had a pair of pale blue icy eyes. before I could speak a boy was beside the man and shouted "Hey! Your the girl " loud enough so his friends could hear I assume. he was slightly shorter a little slimmer he had dark gold hair which is also greased back he also had a pair of brown eyes you could get lost in. he had a big grin on his face that was charming but I didn't smile "why don't you come in and talk better than standing out in cold" the man with ice eyes said.

" Sure.." I said wearily walking in cautiously checking my surroundings the house is same as outside small, little shabby but is homey I followed the two men into the living room I was met with five other people all male ranging from different ages mostly around my age."so what brings you up this far east side ?" One said with thick greasy hair kept combed in complicated swirls. "personal reasons, just wanted to ask if you know where exactly I am and if you know any place I can crash for the night? " I asked I don't mind sleeping out in streets it's just if I can crash somewhere I'd take it
"Tulsa, Oklahoma" a smaller boy said with light-brown almost-red hair and greenish-gray eyes. He looks about fourteen quite young little younger than me wait. Tulsa, Oklahoma? Why didn't I know where I was? "where you from?" Ice-eyes said "Chicago, Illinois", I stated proudly turning to face him but also having to look up. "That's far, How you get here? Drive?" The one with brown eyes said "walk, get rides whenever I could" "Where are you heading?" Ice-eyes said well sounded like a demand but I let it slide Im too tired to argue "None of your business really.." I said quietly my legs caved in so I leaned on the couch for support "we haven't introduced ourselves" Another said he was about six feet tall, stocky in build, with long rusty-colored sideburns. He had grey eyes and a wide grin. "I'm Two-Bit Mathew but just call me Two-Bit" he continued I nodded getting sleepy now " I'M SODAPOP!" Boy with brown eyes shouted excitedly "That's Darry, my big brother, don't let his gloom face fool you he's actually decent guy once you get to know him." Sodapop continued wrapping his arm around Darry, "That's ponyboy our baby brother" soda pointed to a boy with brown-reddish hair "Steve" pointing to the one with thick greasy hair with complicated swirls. "Dally or Dallas we call him Dally" He had an elfish face, with high cheekbones and His hair was almost white it was so blonde, his hair wasn't greased. He had a dangerous look about him he kept trying to stare me down which I was gonna do stare him down there was silence as we stared each other down finally soda broke the silence "And that's Johnnycakes or Johnny " he pointed to the boy on the couch beside ponyboy he was smaller than the rest, with a slight build. He had big black eyes in a darkly tanned face, his hair was jet-black and heavily greased and fell shaggy across his forehead He had a nervous look. "I'm Gloria" I said cooly trying act like I wasn't tired or sore. "do you know any places I can crash the night? If not its fine" there was silence again I started getting more tired by the second I gave up pretending not to be tired or sore putting my full weight on the couch my eyes feeling heavier and heavier by the second "you can stay here if you want.." ponyboy said quietly everyone turned to face him he seemed uncomfortable "we don't have the room ponyboy.." Darry said almost shouting at ponyboy I stood up trying to stay awake " look it's okay, I'll find somewhere sleep nice meeting you all" I said walking to the door "where will you go ?" Johnny spoke up still looking nervous "probably streets" I yawned loudly stretching my arms out as well "its too cold, though.." Johnny said again "I'll be fine not first I've slept in streets" I yawned again grabbing the door handle a hand grabbed my shoulder, I instinctively grabbed my switchblade spinning myself around pointing the blade at the person... it was Dally "watch where you're pointing that blade..." he said in a threatening tone "don't touch me." I said in the exact same tone as him he stepped closer we were toe to toe staring each other down again "no one tells me what to do." He spoke again still making eye contact "well someone ought to put you in your place " I quickly said back.

There was a pause no one said anything other then watch, he smiled but not a friendly one " is that a threat? Gloria.." he replied sounding angrier I smiled one of my creepy looking smiles that made anyone uncomfortable "Maybe it is ... " I pointed my switch at his throat "the both of you cut it out " Darry spoke loudly like how a parent would tell off a child " Don't tell me what to do.." me and dally said in sync we both looked at each other well more glared at each other two-bit grinned looking at us " I think we found a girl that stands up to Dally" Two said "Of course I will" I replied suddenly everyone was laughing except me and dally. What's so funny I looked at dally he was just as confused as me "Well I'm going go find a place to crash see ya." I said opening the door again "Why not crash at dally's?" Steve said still trying not to laugh" No she's is not staying at mine." Dally replied back soundings annoyed
"Oh come on it's just one night, plus ain't the first time you've had a girl stay over" ponyboy said with a smug face.

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