Chapter 7-Rainier&Natalia

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The sky was a deepened blue and filled with white, thin clouds, speeding around as if they were busy going around the globe. This was the first thing that Rainier saw when he opened his eyes. The blue of sky that stretched up and outward for miles and miles, an end that was never to be found. The blue was obscured by the leafy green of the tree, and the glimpses that Rainier caught occurred while the tree branches swayed in the afternoon breeze. Rainier shifted into a sitting position and yawned, the bark under his ass becoming nearly painful from however long he had been sleeping.    

It was obviously time to taking naps in trees.

The decent out of the tree was swift and natural, landing on the soft green grass that made up the entirety of the campus lawn. Rainier looked around casually, shoving his hands into the pockets of his jeans. There were few people on campus, scattered around in awkwardly sized groups or walking alone. Classes must have started up again. Rainier, who had found himself tired immediately after his “Photography” class, had drifted onto the campus lawn. He had uncharacteristically avoided the giggles of girls and the casual blushes and glances that had been thrown his way, and had instead searched for a place where he could sleep untouched.

Because there had been that one time in middle school where he had woken up nearly naked on a park bench with lipstick and nail marks all over the revealed skin, with no idea how he had gotten any of them. He had also not been able to discern for sure that the marks hadn’t come from the suspicious male hobo who had hung around the park and had been giving him glances since he had visited.

Of course, since then, he always slept in secure, off the ground, places when he was outside. He had never visited that park again either.

But the tree had seemed like a good choice, and there, in front of all the prying eyes, Rainier had scaled the tree and made himself comfortable, folding his arms behind his head and closing his eyes and he slung his legs over the more thick branches. If someone wanted him, they were damn well more than welcome to climb the tree and get him.

But no had one was stupid enough to do that, obviously.

Rainier pulled out his phone, intent on finding the schedule that had been sent to him digitally by the butler who ran his house. ‘He knows me so well.’ Rainier thought, and then snickered as he thought of the crusty man’s face whenever he had been forced to clean up one of Rainier’s messes.

Hey, shit happens.

The brightness of the schedule hurt his eyes, and Rainier blinked rapidly until the bright spots disappeared from his vision. The schedule was long, and it bored him to tears just reading what he had to do just for today.

Photography….Psychology …why the fuck am I taking that again...Well, whatever…..Break?’ Rainier grinned. He had slept all the way through his Psychology class, and now he had a break to do whatever he wanted with!

“I knew sleeping was healthy.” He said, stretching his arms. Since it hadn’t looked like any worthwhile women were out on the campus, it was probably time to go to the training room of the college. It was the one thing about this place he had looked forward to. It was supposed to have a state of the art equipment and a separate dojo just for those who had abilities in the martial arts. Which, of course, Rainier had plenty of.

It better be all Landon said it would be.’ Or someone would find out how their underwear smelled after a nice ball washing.


Natalia rushed down the hallway, her sneakers squeaking as they slapped against the pavement. She was late! It wouldn’t be such a big deal to her if she wasn’t late by over ten minutes on the first day of classes. Getting out the glass house of horror-which was what the hellish garden was going to be referred to from now on- had been much harder than she had thought, since the door had been locked on the inside. She didn’t even know that was possible! She had been forced to wait for a teacher to open the door, and then had withstood the lecture that came with it, only to miss the final tolling of the bell for the next classes.

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