It Started With A Spark

Start from the beginning

A few weeks later

It's almost Christmas and I wanted to go get some candles , so I stopped by my favorite shop. I walked in and was greeted by an elderly lady . "Pretty boy is here" She yells to the back room . Caitlin comes and lights up when she sees me . "Hey I haven't seen you in a while ." She says walking up to me . "Yeah I was caught up in some work . I came by because I need to get some Christmas shopping done ." I say with a smile. "I assume you would want Christmas scented candles , or do you want a certain scent?" She asks . "What do you think?" I ask her . "Well if you're looking for a Christmas scent  you should look down this aisle ." She said motioning towards the aisle to her right . "Okay thanks so much." I say as she replies with a slight smile and nod before she leaves . A customer walks in and the door jingles . I see Caitlin walk over the the young man with a smile . That made me very curious.I continued searching for my candles . I was almost done when my eyes landed in a candle that read  'cinnamon waffles' . That's Caitlin's favorite! I go to the register and Caitlin walks into the back room with that guy from earlier . "Caitlin helped you right ." Jean asked with a smirk . "Yeah ."
I reply . "Who was that guy with her earlier." I ask in a lowered voice . "Someone's jealous." She laughs . "Am not ." I protest . "It's her boyfriend." She replies . My face instantly drops . She has a boyfriend. "How long have they been dating?" I ask . "A couple of days ." She days handing me my receipt. "I waited too long." I said slamming my hand against the counter . "I really don't think he's her type , so you still might have a chance . If you play your cards right you might win her over ."  She said with a smile . "Can you tell me some stuff about her? I'm kind of desperate here ." I practically beg her . "Well I can tell you only had good intentions with her . You seem like a lovely guys as well , so yes . It's actually my break right now , So let's go to Jitters and I'll give you some information on her . " She says looking at her watch . "Let me make this clear . If I find out you hurt her in anyway. I will hurt you." She said with gritted teeth. "Are you guys good friends? " I ask holding the car door open for her . "Yes , we recently had a fall out , but I think we're in good terms right now . I want the best for her and I can tell she likes you ." She says as I cut her off . "Really?" I say with excitement as we arrive at our destination . "Yeah. " she replies taking her seat . The coffee arrives and she tells me all about Caitlin . As she was telling me about her I couldn't help but smile the whole time . Was it possible that I was falling in love with a girl I haven't even gone on a date with? I drive her back to the shop and enter with her because I needed to get a few more candles . I found out some of Caitlin's favorite candles , so i was going to buy them for her .I walked in to hear Caitlin laughing in the back room.I loved her laugh so much . It made me sad to think she was laughing with that guy from earlier. I frowned and walked to an aisle to pick some candles out . I heard someone walk by me and saw the guy from earlier. He had lipstick on his cheek . That made me so enraged and jealous . That should be me ... I pick up the candles and walk to the register. I see Caitlin walk by me and to another aisle . "So I'm guessing Caitlin helped you today ?" The elderly lady asked . I nod my head and she handed me my change . "Hey Caitlin I was wondering if you would like to go get some ice cream later?" I ask . "Umm .. I ... uh have a boyfriend." She replied awkwardly . "I know I meant as friends ." I said with a soft laugh . "Oh  silly me ." She said . It looked like she was mentally hitting  herself on the forehead . "So would you like to go ? I would really like to get to know you better . As friends though ." I reply . I already knew pretty much all about her , but I wanted to spend more time with her . The more time we spent would mean the closer we would get . "Sure I would love to ." She replies with a smile . "I'll pick you up when your shift ends . "  I say as I walk out of the store .

A few hours later

I get in my car and drove to the candle shop. I walk in and see Jean . "Lover boy is here ." She yells to Caitlin . "Just a minute. " Caitlin yells back . She walks out and she's in casual clothes. She looked stunning , but I knew it would be awkward if I told her that . "You ready." I say with excitement. "Yeah ." She says following me out of the shop. I open the car door for her . "I made this for you . " I say as I hand her the item . It was a candle I carved to look like a flower . "This is amazing ! It looks lovely ! Thank you so much ." She said with a hug smile . Her smile instantly made me smile . After a short car ride we arrived at the ice cream shop . Caitlin and I ordered and I payed for the both of us . "You want to go for a walk?" I ask knowing she loves walks . "Yeah ." She says as I hold the door open for her . "It's beautiful out here . Look at the stars ." She said looking up at the sky . I was about to say 'Not as beautiful as you ' , but stopped myself . "So tell me about yourself ." I say . She goes on explaining her life and I just watch her mouth move , but nothing come out . I was studying her facial features. Her eyebrows would move up and down and a crinkle would form when she moved them together. It looked like she was so into what she was saying  , so I decided to snap out of the trance and listen . "What do you think?"She asks . Oh I'm screwed. I had no idea what she was asking me about . "Yeah you should totally go for it." I say trying to wing it."Oh." She said as he face changed from a smile to a frown . "Thanks for your opinion. I might give my two week notice tomorrow. " she says . "What why?" I ask with a confused expression. "You weren't listening were you?" She asked with a frown . "Well I kind of got lost in your eyes ." I said rubbing the back of my neck . "Try not to zone out the time ." She says with a smile . She explained the whole situation. "What he asked you to go with him to California? " I said with my eyebrows raised . "Yeah , I was asking your opinion on what I should do . " She says as she takes a napkin and wipes some ice cream off my face . I smile and say "thanks" . I really want to kiss her right now . "You love Central City because your job , family , and friends . Right ?" I ask. "Yes , I love it here so much . " She says with a huge smile ."He's  asking you to leave everything you love . He clearly doesn't care for you . You should dump him . You deserve someone who knows everything you love and cares for you . After all you have only been together for a few days right ?" I ask . "Yeah ." She says with a frown . "My love life is horrible." She says with a pouty face . "How am I going to break up with him?" She asks . "Tell him you're interested in someone else ." I say looking into her eyes . "I want to tell him the truth ." She replies looking back at my eyes . "So you're not interested in anyone else?" I ask with a frown . "Well yeah there's this one guy ." She said smiling . My hope rises that she's talking about me . "What's his name ?" I ask . "Uhh .. Ben .." She replies . "Oh ." I reply avoiding her eyes . "I don't think he likes me though . I think he just wants to be friends. " she replies with a sad face . "Well he's missing out on one heck of a women . You're so interesting, intelligent, beautiful and caring . He's just a fool." I reply looking up at the stars to avoid her gaze . "You really think that ?" She asks . "Yes ." I say looking from the sky to her eyes . I move closer to her and was about to kiss her when I realize I can't . I look at my watch . "It's getting late want to head back now ?" I ask . She nods and throws away her finished ice cream . We arrive at the shop and I walk her to her car , since the shop is closed . "I had a great time tonight . Thanks for listening to me talk about my life troubles . " she said with a laugh. "Sorry I wasn't listening the first time ." I say . "It's okay all that matters is that you listened the second time . " she replies . "Good luck with braking up with your boyfriend. I also hope Ben realizes what he's missing . "I say as I walk away . "Bye Barry ." She says with a wave . "Bye Caitlin." I say with a smile . She's breaking up with her boyfriend and that's great because he didn't deserve her . On the downside she likes another fool . I have to do better if I ever stand a chance with her .

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