chapter t w o

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+ p. j. m +

First day back at this place, I wouldn't say I'm happy to be there but it makes a change from spending the whole day alone locked away in my room. It might be nice to talk to friends again. I've gotten too used to being alone and it scares me.

I throw on the usual - a pair of ripped jeans and a white tee, not putting too much effort into my appearance. I used to try so hard to look good for him, spend too much time in front of the mirror messing with my hair over and over, even a little makeup sometimes. Just to impress him. But now I don't see the point. He never pays any attention to me, I can tell. So it doesn't matter what I wear, because he doesn't care.

I finish getting ready, and find the things I'll need to take in today. I don't feel like having breakfast, I know I shouldn't but thinking of him just makes me feel so muddled. I woke up a little earlier than I needed to today, so I have some extra time waste. I'll just scroll through my phone till the time passes.

I was a little surprised at first to see his name on my screen. I'd gotten so used to the lack of his messages that it was strange to hear from him. I open up the message and it's only a short message but it still makes my heart jump like crazy

Hey jimin I'm coming round so we can walk together k? See u soon I've missed u xx

It's the first time in weeks I've heard from him. I know it shouldn't, but seeing his name pop up on my screen just makes my heart flutter. I wish he didn't have this effect on me, I know he's no good but I just can't help but fall for him.

I can't wait to see him again. It feels like he's just been gone for so long.

And soon enough he arrived at my door with one of his oh-so-charming smiles that just seems to fool me everytime.

"Hey babe."

"Hi jungkook."


『 lost and found 』 yoonminΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα