Chapter 3

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We've been driving for almost half an hour now from the adoption centre. I finally have my little girl, my beautiful baby girl. My 4-years old daughter, Madison Everly Malik. When I first saw her in that room, my breath was taken away with her beauty. Besides her very adorable, pudgy face, she have very big, beautiful icy grey eyes. Her eyes looks very big, like those japanese animation girls but whatever. Those eyes of hers would always be one of my favorites on her. Since we left the orphanage centre without any of her belongings beside her worn-out teddy bear, the lads and I decide to bring her out for shopping. Driving straight to the mall, I take a quick glance on my newly-adopted daughter whose still busy watching outside the tinted window. I can't help but to adores her innocent looks. After driving for another couple minutes, we finally reach the mall. I pull up in a vacant lot beside Harry's car and kill the engine, before I look up to meet her frowning looks. 

"Daddy, where are we going?", she ask. 

I coo a little, before asking her if she likes to buy new stuffs. Her face from being all frowning turns to sad ones, shaking her head slowly to me. This time, she have me frowning back at her. Her pink, soft, plump lips are soon to be purse tightly into thin line while her beautiful eyes are tightly screw shut with her hands bunching up her dress into her small fists. It worries me, so I softly place my hand to her tiny right hand, holding it tightly too. Her hold on her dress slowly loosen a little and her eyes slowly open, averting to me which to my surprise it's now wet and glossy with those unshed tears. 

"Aww, baby. Shh, it's okay. It's alright, princess. We're just gonna buy you new stuffs since you didn't bring anything with you from the orphanage. You can't always be wearing my giant shirt and pants. You won't fit my shoes too.", I coo, cradling her to my laps. 

She sniffles softly, wiping the tears with the back of her hands before she look at me with those hope filled inside her eyes. I coo once more, kissing her forehead softly which makes her eyes slowly shut as she enjoys the kiss. It makes my heart flutters to see she's enjoying my love on her now. I can't wait to show her more of my love soon. We both just stay in the car for a little while, calming her down before planning out what to get for her. 

"Daddy, can I have princess dress?", she ask, sticking her index finger to her lips. 

Her actions makes me want to scream at the top of my lung, but I just hold back. How could she be this adorable and innocent at the same time?! This is impossible! I grin widely and nods to her, before giving her one condition. She frowns a little, so I quickly tap my cheek as sign for her to kiss on it first. She giggles adorably, moving closer towards my face before she kiss softly against my cheeks. She can't stop brushing her pudgy hands, softly against my scruffs along my jawline, giggling nonstop. 

"Daddy no tickle?", she ask, giggling abit. 

I chuckles, shake my head to her before tickles her with my scruffs. Cute laugh begins to erupts from her face, filling my car up and I can't feel much more occupied 'til now. Her hands trying their bests to push my face off her, stopping me from tickling her so I quickly give in to her as I don't want to hurt her small hands. Kissing her on the cheek for the last time, we both soon to be startle by the knock on the window. Madison scream a little, due to being too shock at the knock before I roll the window down to see the lads smirking at us. I chuckles, shaking my head to them before calm Madison down. 

"How are you feeling now, little one?", ask Harry. 

Madison sit up on my laps, looking at him with her toothy grin before nodding to her. Smiling back softly to her, Harry give his hand out to her for her to clap on it as high five. As usual, Madison would stares at it for a little, making Harry and I chuckles a little. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2016 ⏰

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