Do Yourself A Favour

53 4 7

Inspiration: The poem was written from a personal point of view. The 7th line shows that whatever information she gives relating to family issues to friends, she misses information-not exactly lying but in a way it can be seen as lying. She does this because the pain of recount is too much to bear.

Enjoy the poem!

Hey you, don't stare!
I know her, she's Claire

She has pearly whites
And never afraid to use them in fights

She laughs
But can put you in handcuffs

With words twisted in sprinkles of lies
On her feet she flies

All over campus she goes
Looks down as you pass by

Do yourself a favour
Don't waste your time on her

She is a workaholic
And is a chocolate's best friend

Her walls guard a fragile heart
One wall, two walls

She acts tough
But is soft at heart

There are no second glances
No second chances

Walls nailed together
Piece by piece with internal conflicts

Family problems come and go
She is cemented by the pain

She manages to smile
But never let's people come nearer than a mile

I don't want you to regret it
The bond might never grow

So I tell you
Here and now

Do yourself a favour
Don't waste your time on her

Because I am that girl
I am Claire

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