Considerate... I don't think so!

103 5 17

The distinct smell of bananas

Tickle my nostril

In the direction of the fruit

My nose shoots out of my bedroom

And into the dimly-lit living room

Darting towards the dining table

My eyes meet the bunch

They look like they are having a good time

Chilling out on the dining table

Is something I wouldn't prefer

If given the choice where I'd like to spend my holiday

Fresh from the market

They look good enough to eat

Which is what I planned to do

To sabotage the yellow suit bunch

When they are in a queue for a milkshake

But wait something is not right

I pop out for ten minutes

Am back with a pizza and get a fright

The bunch of yellow-suit bananas are gone!

I search high and low but realise it's useless

Wesley has eaten the bunch and complaining wouldn't bring them back

Considerate... I don't think so!

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