(31) Monsters Vs. Magic

Start from the beginning

Such a weakling

Vashka loved to kill, that's why she was known to be beastly. She was suppose to be the wolves queen. She! But now as she thought, they chose a queen who couldn't fight. That's why millions of packs had risen to abandon her path, their beliefs on the goddess was slowly diminishing because her sister only appears on those who brings good reasons to the world.

Why couldn't she have Xiuhcoatl for herself. Why couldn't she have this child who carries her blood. She damned put that child in that woman's stomach. Now her sister had to get in between her affairs and destroyed her plans

Now her daughter has the blood of her sister

Such pathetic woman to destroy something she had wanted ever since she was left in this world

Suddenly she was brought back when she heard Xiuhcoatl cry. Vashka fist tightens as she felt the pain in her chest. It didn't have to be like this.
As she saw her blood approach her with such haunting expressio, Vashka only smiled at how uptight she looked.

Let's see if you love to swim

Vashka closed her black eyes as she focused on her magic. The way she felt every sting of needles pricked on her skin as she opened her eye once again only to see Xiuhcoatl struggling. Her eyes dilated as she frantically searched everywhere as if she was in a trance, giving Vashka the upper hand as she ascended down towards her daughter

Savanna watched her sight blur. The way she began to feel her mind freeze as she saw more ghouls appearing everywhere, surrounding her as she felt her self suffocated with how they began to close around her

Savanna wanted to speak, instead a whimper blew out her mouth as she fought to find the light as darkness began to close in. She searched for Alester's brown fur only to see him fighting four ghouls who began to scratch his very skin, showing of blood and his bones.

Vashka growled only to whimper once again when her sight completely went black

She couldn't feel her legs. Couldn't feel anything at all. All she hear was her erratic heartbeat as it drummed through her chest. Her eyes watched her surroundings but all she could see was black. The bottles seemed to go silent as finally, she found herself in the field only she was alone. There were no sign of a fight and bodies but plain crystal clear field.

I know this place

She thought. Everything looked familiar but she couldn't put a finger on it.

She was in deep silence as she embraced the quiet whisper of the wind. What was happening to me

"Catch me!"

Savanna's head whirled towards a child's cry and found herself looking at two pairs of white silk dresses worn by two beautiful girls. Both who chased each other while the other who stood front held unto something clearly the other adored

"Vashka don't hurt him! No!" her eyes held the beauty of emerald green with a speck of violet, something rare to see as such

The girl gave a glare as she gave out a snark remark

"Don't be weak, I just broke it's wings so it wouldn't fly"

"No!" The little girl wailed as Vashka let go of the bird who helplessly flapped it's little wing only to fall on the cold grass. She ran towards it and looked into her eldest sister eyes "you monster!"

"What is the meaning of this?! Oh my! Vashka what have you done?" Savanna whirled only to see a woman limping towards her and smack her right across the child's cheek earning a gasp from the little Vashka

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