Plane Tickets

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I got on my computer that night and searched up the title of the book. There was an e-book that I could read. I clicked on it and turned to the page that was missing from my book.

I started reading it. It was a very frightening story that kept me on the edge of my seat. Then, I got to something frightening. The community called the devil, the "Graham Cracker."

Suddenly, Graham appeared standing right next to me, took my laptop away and closed it.

"They called him Graham Cracker because he was as sweet as honey. Graham crackers are usually the honey flavor. Ok?" He confirmed.

"I knew it was just a coincidence, you don't have to be worried." I smiled.

He leaned close and kissed me long and hard like always. He put his hand on my head and his other on my back. I put my arms around his back. I was in a black pajama romper. He was in a black leather jacket and jeans. He whispered in my ear, "I love you."

"I love you too." I whispered back, smiling and laughing.

He disappeared. I started reading the story again. It said that Aly was hidden 90 feet underground near the art museum in Portland, Oregon. It said people have tried looking for her but she is too deep to get to.

Maybe I can go try to save her.

I called Melanie.

"I read the story. I think it's true about Aly. Graham can't be the devil though. I'm sure of it. I wanna go save Aly." I exclaimed.

"People have already tried. It's impossible! She's too far down." She yelled.

"Maybe there is another way down there other than just digging. Like a mine or something. I'm gonna do some research to find out if there are mines near this art museum." I mentioned.

"Are you crazy!? We live in Cleveland, Ohio and YOUR willing to take a flight all the way over to Portland, Oregon?" She asked.

"Yes. Anything it takes to save someone." I answered.

"You have never acted like this before." She said.

"I'm just interested and you know once I get interested I act upon it." I mentioned.

"Yeah. Bye." She farewelled.

I opened my laptop again. I started to read where I left off.

"2 months after Aly and the guardian angel met, the guardian angel, who is actually a devil, ran away to Portland, Oregon with Aly and buried her. She may be STILL alive, or may be dead. She was buried in 2002." I read aloud.

If she was alive, how could she have survived all these years with no food or water?

There was a picture of Aly. She was beautiful. She had long blonde hair with blue eyes and a white gorgeous smile.

"She originally lived in Little Rock, Arkansas before she was kidnapped and taken to Oregon." I read aloud.

Maybe I could go find out more about what really happened from her family and friends in Little Rock.

I finished the story and went on Southwest Airline's website. I got one plane ticket to Little Rock and one to Portland. I have been saving up my money since I was 8 for when I really needed it. I would call this one of those times.

I got into bed, pulled up the covers, and started to drift off. Before I knew it I saw a figure standing near my desk. This figure grabbed what looked like my laptop, pushed a few buttons and looked over at me. It was Graham.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I thought about getting two tickets to Little Rock and cPortland so I can go with you! You can't go far without me." He laughed.

"Aww! I didn't know if you wanted to go with me so I only bought one for myself. I'm glad that now I have you as company." I awed.

He came over, kissed me, and laid next to me for a few minutes before he disappeared.

I just love him.

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