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I called up Melanie the next day.

"Melanie, what was this book called that talked about the devil mishap and the girl underground and where did you find it?" I asked urgently.

I didn't want to jump to conclusions, I just wanted to see the book. I don't think Graham is a devil at all. Maybe I can help this girl if she is real though.

"I think it was called 'Frightening History: 50 True and Scary Stories About Our Nations History.' I found it at the library." She told me. "Shelby, I think this guy is actually a devil."

"No, he's not! He's the sweetest, most caring, hottest guy ever! He would never be a devil! Your just jealous because he fell in love with me, not you!" I yelled.

"Please just read the story." She begged.

"Fine. Bye." I farewelled.

I was standing in a grey crop top and high waisted shorts when Gracie appeared.

"What are you doing here? Your Melanie's guardian angel, not mine." I exclaimed.

"I know. Graham asked me to come here. He's busy with something. He told me to tell you that he's not a devil and to trust him. He also said he loves you with all of his heart." She exclaimed with a smile.

"Thanks for the message. What's he up to?" I asked.

"He didn't say." She muttered.

"Your lying." I said.

"No, I'm n-n-not." She stuttered.

"Yes you are. Tell me this instant where he is." I demanded.

"Library. Please don't tell him I told you." She cried.

"Ok, I won't. What's he doing at the library? Why does he wanna hide it?" I asked.

"He didn't say that part and I promise he didn't THIS time." She cried.

"Ok. Thank you." I hugged her.

After she left, I put on a pair of Converse and started running to the library. Maybe I could catch Graham there before he leaves. It's an odd coincidence he is at the library when the book I wanted to get was at the library. Maybe he was getting it for me. Probably.

I walked inside when I got there and saw it was pretty much empty. I never go to the library. I'm not much of a reader. Melanie comes here all the time and begs me to come with her. I always refuse.

I walked down a few aisles of bookshelves and finally saw Graham. He saw me and smiled.

"I knew you were coming. I decided to get this book for you. I know you've been wanting to read it." He said.

He handed me the history book with the frightening stories.

"Thanks. I could have gotten it myself though." I thanked him.

"I didn't know you were going to come here and I was already here when I sensed you were coming so I decided to wait for you." He explained.

"That's so sweet! I'm not reading this because I'm suspicious of you, I promise." I promised.

"I know you aren't." He smiled, hugged me tight, kissed me long and hard, and disappeared.

I smiled as I checked the book out and walked back home. I flipped through the pages.

"Abraham Lincoln, railroads, Bigfoot sightings..." I muttered under my breath as I flipped through the book. I flipped through most of the book when I got to a page that had little rip marks in the bind.

Could Graham have ripped the devil story out of here so I couldn't read it? No, he wouldn't have.

I texted Melanie and explained everything about Graham being at the library and the ripped page.

I told you so 😐

I texted her back telling her I still didn't believe her.

Suddenly, Graham appeared beside me.

"Babe, that ripped page was there when I got here. I didn't rip it out! Angels don't rip pages out of library books." He rubbed my shoulder.

"I know! I know it wasn't you. It's just funny that there are rip marks in the one page I need when you were coming here to give it to me and knew I wanted to read the story. Oh yeah, and I have one questions. Why didn't you want Gracie to tell me that you were at the library?" I asked.

"I wanted it to be a surprise that I was getting this book for you! But you came to get it on your own so it didn't work out too well." He laughed.

"Your so perfect." I cried as I buried my head into his shoulder.

"I am an angel." We both laughed.

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