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I called Melanie later that night.

"When that girl punched me today and Graham came, he told me to punch her back. That doesn't seem like the honorable thing to do. My mom is always telling me to just walk away and be the bigger person in those situations. Something is terribly wrong. But Graham is just so hot, I can't spend too much time on the topic." I ranted.

Graham popped up right next to me. I was laying on my stomach on my bed in a maroon tank top and black stretchy shorts and bun. He was laying on his stomach also, wearing no shirt and boxers.

"What the heck are you doing here?" I freaked out and stood up.

"Punching her back was the honorable thing to do. You don't just walk away and let her keep going after you like that! This is what they make guardian angels for. To tell you the right thing to do even if everyone else is telling you different." He said as he got up and grabbed my hands.

"Ok. Thanks." I awed. I couldn't say anything else considering a shirtless angel was standing in my room.

"My mom wouldn't want you in here so you should leave." I told him. I didn't want him to leave but I knew he had to.

"Ok babe. See you tomorrow." He said as he kissed me on the lips for the first time. It felt amazing. It felt like he actually cared about me.

When he left, I picked up the phone and started screaming to Melanie about how amazing the kiss was and how hot he looked shirtless.

"I hate to burst your bubble, but I think that Graham might just be distracting you." She considered.

"From what?" I asked.

"I read in a history book about this one girl named Aly who also had a super hot guardian angel. Almost too hot. He told her to yell back at her mom and to cut off the car in front of you if they did first. All types of terrible things. She didn't notice because he was so hot. He would kiss her and make her feel wanted. Just to distract her. He wasn't a guardian angel. He was a devil. He hid her in a basement 100 feet under ground and was never seen again." Melanie explained.

"Great story but I doubt that is the case. He cares too much about me." I awed.

"I have to go, Gracie just showed up." She farewelled.

I put the phone down.

"Graham?" I asked. I didn't know if he would come if I just asked him to for no reason but I thought I would give it a shot.

He showed up standing in the corner of the room.

"What's up? Let me guess, you want to ask me about the story?" He asked.

"I don't think you are a devil. Not at all, but I just wanted to talk to you about it." I begged.

He sat down in my blue fluffy chair and patted his lap for me to sit down on it. I did and he begun his talk.

"That story is a myth. It's from a book of myths. Completely untrue. The city council has never messed up with a guardian angel ever. Your good. I love you. Do you really think I would put you 90 feet below ground next to some art museum?" He asked.

"Well, no...wait." I muttered. Melanie never said anything about 90 feet below ground next to an art museum. She just said 100 feet above ground.

"Graham, you were too specific. This story is true isn't it? No, it can't be. But it might? Please, we can help this girl! Unless you did it! Did you d-" I was trying to say before he embraced me in a kiss. It lasted for what seemed like forever.

It was warm and delightful. Afterwards he grabbed my face and looked into my eyes and said, "I love you." Then he disappeared.

Oh how I love him. Wait, what were we talking about before we kissed? I don't know. Oh yeah, the Aly girl. He didn't do it. That's practically impossible for a guy that sweet and hot to be a devil.

I thought about as I went to bed.

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