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After couple of hours we finally made it

Naruko's Pov:

"I'm finally going to see a real sea not just a picture* I Said While Smiling 

"hmm? You mean you have never been here?" Ino Asked

"You were at the sand village aren't you Naruko-chan" Said Hinata

"Yup I was living in the sand village ... that's why I'm excited" I Said

Then Sakura smirked while looking at Ino then they both stepped out of the room

"Oh well, have fun little girl" Said Sakura

"What's wrong with those girls?" I Asked

"They're trying to accomplish an impossible mission" Said Hinata While Laughing

"Haha ... I guess they want my Sasuke-kun huh?" I Said

"Your Sasuke?" Hinata Asked

"Uh u-um ... i-I mean" I Said While Blushing

"Hehe it's okay , come on let's go outside" Said Hinata

Then when me and Hinata went out I could see that Sakura and Ino were trying to make

Sasuke-kun compliment their look but for some reason he didn't care

"Kyaa It's so beautiful" I Shouted While Looking At the Sea

Sasuke's Pov:

(Her body ... she's wearing a ... a bikini, I can't take this) In my thoughts

"Sasuke-kun stop looking at Naruko already" Said Sakura

"You're blushing Sasuke-kun wa-wait where are you going Sasuke-kun?"Said Ino

"Looking good Naruko-Chan" I Said

"Thank you Sasuke-kun hehe you know I prefer you topless you look hotter" Said Naruko

That sentence made my heart skip a beat ... she's not like others, I think I should tell her about my pastIf she accepted it maybe we ... maybe we can be together ...

"Oiiii Naruko-Chan you look so cute in this bikini" Said Kiba

"Hehe yeah thank you kiba-kun" Said Naruko

"So do you want to come with me and play with water" Kiba Asked 

"No" As I held Naruko's Hand "She will come with me"

Later at night ... we were sitting around this fire laughing and chatting with each other

"Sasuke you didn't let Naruko play with us and you kept her near you hehe" Said Tenten

"Yeah that's not fair Sasuke-kun" Said Sakura

"Yeah because I know there's a huge pervert who wants to get his hands on her" I Said

"I'm going to check on Naruto" Said Naruko While Leaving Us

"That idiot ate too much and now he can't leave the room" Said Choji

"I would say the same thing to you if you keep eating like that" Said Shikamaru

"Calm down boys let's just enjoy the night" Said Lee

"You better watch it Sasuke" Said Kiba

"Hn... from what loser?" Said Sasuke

"You know what I mean very well" Said Kiba

"So It's true that both of you like Naruko huh" Said Neji

"Boys calm down" Said Guy

"Trust me Kiba I wont let Naruko-Chan be yours" I Said

The Next Morning

Naruko's Pov:

Kiba knocked our room that we girls stay in and told me that he needs to talk to me

Its 7am I don't know what that guy is thinking about really...I wonder why Naruto can be

Friends with a pervert like him

"Ki-kiba what are you doing ... let me go" I Said While trying to release myself from him

"Naruko-Chan why the hell do you like Sasuke-kun?" Kiba Asked While Hugging me

"Are you an idiot? Waking me up in this time just to ask me about that" I Replied

Then He Suddenly Kissed me ... I really didn't expect that and Sasuke-kun was there

At the wrong time too ...

"Kiba ... you bastard" Said Sasuke

"Hehe I stole the kiss from Naruko's lips so what are you going to do?" Said Kiba While Smiling

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