Chapter 1: NEW VILLAGE

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The day was hot, the scorching sun blazing on the skin of a group of kids walking through a desert. Zola, the group leader, told them they had to go to a village that hadn't been destroyed yet, by the robo-bastards. The village was small and peaceful or so they had heard, the water was said to be the most blue and purest in the whole world. Marumaro , a little yellow devil, soon spotted a clearing in the desert, they were entering a more clear and grassy biom. They kept on walking , a few moments later they were on top of a hill , astonished by the view. What they saw was beautiful. They saw a huge fountain and lots of houses and everywhere was planted with some beautiful flowers, it was like a village you would see only in your dreams. Kluke , a pretty and kind girl, started running down the hill ready to see even more beauties inside the village gates. Not far behind followed Shu , a brave warrior, then Jiro, shu's enemy and friend, then Zola ,the leader of the crew, and bouquet, a pretty fashion girl and cook, then Marumaro , a panty stealing devil. Once they reached the entrance they entered the village. Everybody exchanged a few words then decided to split up and do as they please. Everyone would meet up at the centre of the village by noon. Once everyone agreed they parted ways. Jiro went with kluke to enjoy the sights, bouquet and Marumaro went to the clothing store so she could buy new clothes and he could get to see some bras and panties, shu went alone to do whatever and Zola just sat at a nice little café. Jiro and kluke went to see the flower garden first, since it was one of the most popular sights of sky valley. Once they arrived they were astonished by what they saw, there were the most beautiful and precious flowers anyone one has ever seen. They also saw a few kids playing in the fields to the right, kluke thought it might be nice to take a few pictures.(p.s. There are mobile phones in this story) as she was snapping shots she noticed a kid sitting under a tree in the distant watching a lake. "Hey jiro, why don't we ask that kid over there if he needs company,? He looks so lonely" asked kluke. Jiro, knowing kluke won't take no for an answer, simply nodded and started walking to the kid with kluke leading the way.once they were in listening range they could here the kid playing nice tunes from his phone. "um...hi there my names kluke and this is jiro" she said pointing to jiro who smiled. The kid looked around as if he didn't know who they were talking to then pointed to himself." A-are you talking to me?" The kid quietly asked "yes silly, me and jiro are new in town and are gonna be here for a couple of days, would you mind showing us around?" Kluke smiled paitently. The kids face lit up "ok, yeah sure" then jiro interrupted"but can you tell us your name first?" "oh yeah sorry, my names Kyle" Kyle said reaching out his hand. Jiro shook his hand and said "it's nice to meet you Kyle" Kyle just smiled and started leading the way to the first sight they see.

(time skip cause I'm a fat lazy twat)

"This is the menaporium, well that's just its name, its also known as...THE BEACH" Kyle exclaimed happily. Kyle was just a little ball of joy and happiness, he has no worries at all. It was now noon and the group finally came back together Kyle also. Once he had introduced himself to the others and they to him he showed them were they'd be sleeping. It was a nice little hotel with amazing beds and lovely room service. Everyone was sitting on the couch in the living area. Then suddenly Zola asked out of the blue" so Kyle, what makes you so happy all the time? It seems like even if the world was ending you'd still be smiling and laughing what's your secret?" "well Zola I don't mean to be rude but that's a secret, I'll SHOW it to you in the morning ok" everyone agreed, later Kyle left to go home and everyone went to bed. Nobody could sleep, playing zolas question in their heads and wondering what kyles secret could be. Soon everybody fell asleep except Marumaro. He couldn't stop thinking about kyles secret, he decided to get up , go somewhere quiet and ask saber tiger if he possibly knew the secret. He got out of bed and went outside and summoned saber tiger. "is something wrong Marumaro, you seem bothered" "yeah, maru, I cant figure out kyles secret and its been bugging me all night, maru""hmm I'm not sure what it is but Kyle said hell show it you tomorrow" "exactly, maru" "he wants to SHOW us, maru" "yea that does sound a bit strange but like I said he'll show you tomorrow , so you go back to bed and get some rest" "ok ,maru...what about you, shadows sleep to, maru?" "well yes , we don't need it , but we can sleep...why?" "just wondering...would it be ok if i sleep on your arm ,maru its just so fluffy and cuddly ,maru" at this point saber tiger was blushing from the question, he had got him unexpectedly. Marumaro sleeping on his arm would be a bit different but it was his owner so he would allow it. They went back inside and Marumaro cuddled up in sabers arm. Saber didn't have anything better to do so he just laid himself in marumaros bed and pulled the covers over, falling asleep.


How was the first chapter? Plz tell me in the comments and remember, next chapter you'll find out kyles secret, so stay tuned.

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