Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

First week wasn't so bad. Miranda entertained herself reading from the collection on the book shelf. Second week wasn't as easy. She tried on numerous attempts to talk to Maria who would come once a day to clean the room. She also tried to start conversations with Carlos who would enter quietly serve her meals then leave. He wouldn't even acknowledge her existence.

By the third week Miranda wanted to rip her hair out! She tried exercising to keep her mind off her boredom. But to no avail. Talk about regretting opening her big mouth! I can't do this, Miranda thought. Another week alone and she was bound to go completely nuts.

Throwing herself on the bed Miranda starting counting the seconds before Carlos entered the room to serve her lunch. At twelve pm to the second he would punch in the code and the door would open. He would place her meal on the table adjacent to the bed, renter the code from the inside of the room and leave.

He was a handsome man. Mexican with dark skin a goatee and tattoos all over his arms. Alec's goatee made him look ruthless yet Carlos's facial hair made him look criminal like. His dark eyes and the scar on his right eyebrow indicated that Carlos was a force to be reckoned with.

And twelve pm sharp Miranda heard the beeping sound from the door and awaited her lunch. This time she decided to make no attempt to talk to him. Instead she continued to stare at the clock on the wall opposite her bed. Carlos entered the room, he looked over at her, not saying a word, he placed the tray of food on the table. Nothing, not a single word, he leaves her alone to face another lonely night.

She could smell the aroma of the food and although she was hungry didn't think she could stomach the food. It smelt glorious but Miranda wasn't in the mood for food.

When Carlos entered her room again, Miranda noticed he did a double take when he realized she had not touched her meal. It looked like he wanted to say something to her but refrained. Please talk to me... Nothing at all.

Alec told Carlos to report to him on the girl's progress. Earlier he had informed him that Miranda had not touched a single meal. Alec had told him to continue with the routine, not to act affected. But it was becoming concerning.

For two days the girl hadn't eaten a thing. Now it was serious. Alec would have to deal with this from here on end.

Alec walked into her room first thing in the morning. She was sitting on the bed looking at the clock. Shit, he should not have maybe gone so hard on her. Had he pushed her too far? She needed to know that she couldn't defy him, the earlier to establish that the better. Her fucker of an uncle had not paid him yet. He wouldn't allow him in his casino anymore. That was for sure. He was lucky he didn't kill the bastard.

Still looking at the girl with her unkempt hair and her sad eyes tugged at his heart. It wasn't her fault she was here. Fuck it wasn't his fault either. But until the duration of her stay she need to be obedient and follow all rules. He didn't know how to live without control. Unfortunately for her she was under his control.

"Miranda, look at me," he said quietly as he made his way over to the bed. She remained still as if in a trance. "Miranda, look at me," he repeated. Alec gently shook her shoulders. "Miranda look at me kid," with that Miranda's glassy hazel eyes turned slowly as if trying to focus. Finally focusing she looked directly into his soul. He withdrew his hands. "You not feeling well?" He asked really starting to get concerned. "Miranda I need you to reply to me"

She did not reply, gave him a pout and shook her shoulders weakly.

"Why aren't you eating? Do you not like the food?" He was regretting leaving her here for so long. Fuck!

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