Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Miranda awoke feeling the start of a head ache. She blinked away sleep and opened her eye. Why did her body feel so heavy? She moaned and tried to turn. "Your awake then?" A mans deep voice startled her and woke her up completely. What in gods name was going on and where the hell was she? She turned in the direction of the voice only to see a man sitting on an armchair with his legs wide apart in his khaki shorts and his thick arms folded.

Miranda started to feel her body working again and quickly sat up putting both her hands up as if to prevent him from nearing. Although he hadn't even moved. Slowly memories of her uncle and their conversation resurfaced in her mind. She was a means to an end. He betrayed her! He willingly fed her to the wolves to save his sorry ass, and stupid Miranda agreed to help him...again.

Alec sat back patiently watching the young lady figure out why she was here. She still hadn't said a word to him. Watching her emotions flicker over her face was quite entertaining. Okay there was no use delaying the inevitable, he wanted this to go smoothly. He really didn't have the time or patience to deal with spoilt kids. He wanted his money back and she was the only thing guaranteed to make sure that happened.

"Let's cut to the chase," he began. Alec noticed the girl look so scared wide eyed with her hazel eyes about to pop out of her head. "You are here because your uncle is a lowlife shit who cares for nobody but himself. He has traded you as equity until he can repay me." Saying it out aloud disgusted Alec. "Rules are quite simple," he continued. Never taking is eyes off the girl who looked as scared as mouse. Her hands still held up in front of her as if to ward him off. "Don't try to escape you will find it fruitless. I would suggest you always do what you are told, I don't like mayhem and I don't like chaos."

He was giving her rules now? Miranda was on the verge of crying. She really wanted to say something but really what could she say? Her own uncle did this to her. She had no choice but to get through this as best as she could. "What's your name?" His voice startled her awake from her thoughts. Miranda just stared at him. "I asked you a question," he seemed irritated that she hadn't replied. "Your name?" Seeing the change in his demeanor made her heart pound so hard. Miranda noticed his blue eyes darken to almost black.

"Miranda ... My name is Miranda" she whispered. He nodded.

"Okay Miranda, firstly you will always answer my questions immediately when asked. You will also address me as sir. This is no holiday, I am taking this like a job... Merely a way to get things to pass... If your uncle stays true to his word then this will be over in no time at all." Was he for real? Sir? Who the hell did he think he was?

"Understood?" Miranda was thinking how to reply to this man who was demanding things from her. So she nodded her head instead of saying what she really thought.

"I asked you a direct question Miranda, I expect a verbal response, I don't do delinquents." He spoke softly but the way he spoke laid a threat that Miranda sensed was looming.

"Yes," she replied. Okay so she was testing the waters to see how he would react to her deliberately not saying sir.

Alec gave a slow menacing smile. He stood up and slowly walked over to the bed. He was impressed with Miranda seeing how far she could push him. He deliberately moved around so he was hovering above her. He sat on the bed beside her and watched as her breathing quickened.

"Miranda it's in your best interest to do as you're told. Choose your battles wisely kid." Miranda watched him raise his eyebrows anticipating her answer. She was finding him very hard to read. "Understood?"

"Yes ...sir" she replied quietly.

"Good girl. It's simple really do as you're told and I won't need to punish you," she watched him as though he was a lion ready to pounce on his prey.

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