Chapter 27

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-Dan's P.O.V-

"Wow Phil... I didn't even know. He doesn't seem like the guy to be bisexual. To be honest, he strikes me as a guy who was thrown in one of those stories just as a barrier. You know?"
"Uhh... okay Dan. Anyway, we need to stop Y/N. She can't end up with him" I say.
"I'm sure he has a lot of side-hoes... OH MY GOD SHE IS ONE OF THEM" Dan panicks.
"But she is in Florida! We are in Ohio we can't just give up the tour" Phil states.
"Okay... okay umm. When is our last tour date?" I ask.
Phil looks at our schedule and pauses, "June 23rd..."
"I'm sorry Dan," Phil says, "we're gonna have to wait it out."
I drop my head and tear, "I didn't think I was gonna lose her again."
"Dan," Phil comes over and rubs my arm with his hand."it's going to be okay. Knowing Bryce, this time is going to last shorter than their other relationship."
"Are you sure?" I ask.
"Yes. And look... it's May 15th right now and on June 23rd when we are performing our last show in America, you'll know that soon you will be able to go back and see her" Phil explains.
"Thanks Phil. I feel better now"

-Your P.O.V-
"I'm so happy we're back together" you say laying in your bed
"Me too. It made me realize how much I missed you" Bryce explains as he wraps his arms around your waist.
"Aww I missed you too babe" you kiss him.
"You know what else it made me realize?"
"What?" You say.
"It made me realize how much I love you"
"You-you-" you stumble, "you love me?"
"Yeah. I do" He grabs your hand and kisses it.
"I love you too, Bryce" you say mindlessly.
-Bryce's P.O.V-
She loves me too? How? I know I was an asshole to her... Maybe it was meant to be... I'm young. I need to pop the question as soon as I can before Dan comes... or worse... Phil.

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