Her story

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The next day passed without any events and slowly but surely cam the others and eventually the first weekend. To my favor I was able to avoid Alianne the majority of the time. The other times I was unfortunate she tried getting me into trouble. Today was a quiet day but I didn't see Alianne around which put me on edge.

"So you are Alianne's friend?" Lorabelle asked me as she came and sat by me in the common room.

Lorabelle was a 6th year. She was really petite with violet colored eyes and red hair. She knew everyone and their secrets but only because her parents both worked in the Ministry.

I quickly shook my head. "No, we aren't friends. Alianne scares me."

Lorabelle smirked. "I would be shocked if she didn't."

I moved to the edge of my seat to hear her better. "What do you mean?"

Lorabelle moved closer. "I mean her entire family is creepy. She was born in Azkaban. My dad and mom are Aurors and they told me to stray clear of Alianne because she was bad news. They talked about how her parents had been in league with a family called Black and Malfoy. Its no doubt how bad you have to be to light a flame next to them."

"Draco's family?"

Lorabelle nodded her head. "Yeah, poor boy I heard he got tortured by his own father and even his aunt if he didn't live up to their expectations. They have the death eaters kids keeping a eye on him at school, no privacy what so ever."

I couldn't believe that Draco's own family would do such things to him. Draco was a good kid, a good friend. He saved my life and almost died to save my friend.

Just then Alianne walked in. She stopped and gave me a devilish smirk. Seconds later the Head of House Irene walked in.

"I heard you have some contraband Miss Gryffindor." she spoke to me.

I rose to my feet quickly and shrugged my shoulders. "I don't think I do."

"I'll show it to you" Alianne said as she headed upstairs.

I watched our Head of House follow her and then I quickly followed behind them. I didn't know I had contraband, if I did then what was it?

"It's right there" I heard Alianne speak as she pointed to my bag with my Togepi.

Without my permission she dug into my back pack and pulled her out. Togepi was unaware because she was sleeping.

"Can you please be gentle Togepi is just a baby." I said in a low whisper.

Irene looked at the Togepi and smiled before she brought it into her arms. "It's been ages since I've had to bring out the old Pokemon rule book but I can assure you that this is not contraband."

I looked quicky to Alianne who was apparently disappointed since I didn't get in trouble. I couldn't help but stick my tounge at her and smile.

"She's beautiful isn't she? I have almost 50 pokemon."

"You must remember one thing though" Irene began. "You have to take them to the reserve while you are on campus. Students are only allowed to have 10 on them at a time. The others will be locked up until you switch them out or take them home."

I nodded my head before I reached out to take back my pokemon. Irene gently put my sleepin Togepi into my arms.

"I think you must have been misinformed Miss Alianne pokemon are not contraband. If you had a pokemon of your own you'd be able to keep it as well. Maybe Miss Genesis could help you get your own." Irene walked from the common room and I followed quickly after her.

Before I could manuver through the students that were coming upstairs I found myself being pulled back into the common room.

"What do you want Alianne." I growled, my hand grasped firmly around my wand and the other round my Togepi.

"What do you think I want. I want you to show me where to get my own pokemon."

I took two steps back. "No."

"I don't think you heard me correctly, show me or I will test how strong your Togepi is when it gets dropped out the window of the highest tower."

I loosened my grip on my wand so I could wrap my arms around my Togepi. "You wouldn't hurt her."

She took a step forward. "That's what Lorabelle thought too and she no longer has a cat. Why do you think they don't allow pets anymore. They don't like cleaning up the guts of the animals."

If I didn't know any better I think Alianne had done this several times. I feel like I had no choice if I wanted to save my Togepi. Maybe I could take her into the forest and shake her off. I just had to do something and fast.

Genesis Gryffindor and the Magical Orb - Book 3Where stories live. Discover now