The longest day

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I had waken early the next morning from the sounds of the girls in my year getting ready to take showers and getting ready. My eyes were in shock as all the girls coming out of the shower were naked, they didn't even have a towel wrapped around them, Alianne was one of them.

"What's wrong with you?" She asked me as she walked over and began dressing before me.

I was apphauled, I moved away towards the other half of my bed and got to my feet. "Everyone is naked" I whispered, inclining my head as I whispered to try and avoid being overhead.

"Well yeah, we only use the towels for our hair so we don't fling water everywhere and then we just air dry." She said as she unwrapped the towel from her haid and let her hair fall down her back.

"Do I have to, you know be naked like that?" I blushed immeadiately as I spoke that forbidden word.

Alianne laughed at me, I mean literally laughed. "What is your problem you have the same parts the rest of us have. Don't be such a big baby now hurry up and go get ready before you get us in trouble for being late." My eyes widened at the words she spoke and I felt tears start to gather in my eyes. "Oh my goodness are you crying." she laughed. "Come on I was just kidding you don't have to crying about it."

Without speaking to her I headed off into the bathroom where I hesitantly stripped down and hopped into the shower with the other girls. With my back to them all I washed my body and my hair and all my female nook and crannies before I turned off the water and quickly grabbed a towel. I moved away from pyring eyes and quickly dressed in my uniform. After I had buckled my heels I brushed my hair and placed my hat on before I went to put away my things. I caught sight of Alianne over at the mirrors doing her make up and thought it would be a good opportunity to slip out without her knowing.

I was starting to grow to dislike Alianne, she came across very territorial, annoying, clingy and rude and I didn't want to be around that. Grabbing my satchel bag with my books that I needed for the day with the addition of Beauxbatons a History and my Fantastic Beasts book. Without a second glance I hurridly left the door behind two girls who were also leaving.

I took my time heading down the spiral staircase to the common rooms below and through to shared common room before I emerged into the palace coriddors. I took out my map of the castle that I plucked from a pile that was left for the first years and searched for my first class - Les Arts Créatifs et la Littérature. The classroom was located on the fifth floor so I had a bit of climbing to do.

The first thing I saw when I entered the classroom were books lining the walls. Then as I looked closer I saw art supplies and painting easels with blank canvas'. The one in front of the classroom held a painting and around the room were several others. I walked forward and took the easel in the front and sat at the stool. As I sat down another boy walked in and sat beside me he had blonde hair and grey eyes. I looked at his eyes and thought for a moment that it was Draco but it wasn't, I wish it had been though.

"Hi I'm Jean-Claude third year, we are in the same house. You are?"

"I'm Genesis" I said as I held out my hand and he took it into his and kissed it.

I pulled my hand back quickly and put them in my lap. What was with the French and kissing? I thought to myself.

"There you are! I've been looking everywhere for you, why did you leave without telling me? Alianne said.

I politely ignored her and turned my attention to the teacher who had entered the room. I recognized her as our Head of House Irene Beaumort. Alianne took her seat near the back of the class where the only available spot was. I turned to look at her and she shot a rude glare in my direction, I quickly turned back around.

"Welcome to Les Arts Créatifs et la Littérature or Creative Arts and Literature if you must. For those that are ignorant to the subject know this class is more then just finger painting and paper airplanes. There are several main areas of study: art, art history, art's impact on the magical world and of course literature. Students will study the concepts of both Muggle and magical art and literature and their effect on society. Students learn the basics of creating art, but they also dive into a world of magical spells that take their creative skill to an entirely new level. If you pay close attention you can find deep inside yourselves a talent to creature wonders." She walked over to the painting that was on the easel and stood beside it. "Can anyone tell me who this woman is?"

I rose my hand immeadiately, I recognized this painting as it was one of the many replica's that my mother had throughout the house. When I was young she would tell me a story about the painting to ease me off to sleep, this one was my favorite. She nodded in my direction and I began.

"It is the Mona Lisa ma'am otherwise known as Lisa del Giocondo. The portrait is by the muggle Italian artist Leonardo da Vinci." I smiled as I finished.

The teacher smiled and nodded. "Yes Genesis you are correct. It is a painting in oil on a popular panel, completed circa 1503–1519 and bought by king Francis I of France. It is now the property of the French State and it is on permanent display at the Musée du Louvre in Paris." She began moving her hands along the painting as she continued speaking. "The painting is a half-length portrait and depicts a seated woman as you see here, Lisa del Giocondo, whose facial expression has been frequently described as enigmatic. The ambiguity of the subject's expression, the monumentality of the composition, and the subtle modeling of forms and atmospheric illusionism were novel qualities that have contributed to the continuing fascination and study of the work. The image is widely recognised, caricatured, and sought out by visitors to the Louvre, and it is considered the most famous painting in the muggle world" Irene took out her wand and waved it and paints began soaring through the room and setting theirselves between everyone. "At the end of the school year you and your partner will present a portrait resembling the Mona Lisa. I am speaking posture and facial features I want to see Mona when I look at your portraits."

The class began to whisper and heads turned as people began moving to stand beside another person to claim as their work partner. The moment I looked to my right I saw Alianne. Great it seemed like we were going to be partners, should be an annoying year.

The teacher cleared her throat and called order to the room. "Resume your seats." All at once everyone moved back to their seats. "I am sure you see that beside you sits one other person make friends with that person because they are your partner until your final year here. Every project you do as a team you will do with that partner."

I sighed in relief, thank goodness I wasn't beside Ali because then I'd be stuck with her for the rest of my 4 years of school. I saw from the corner of my eye Jean-Claude looked at me and smile.

For the remainder of the class we practiced lines and drawing. It was nice for me. Near the end of the class I turned to look at Alianne who gave me a murderous glare. What was her problem?

Slowly the school day went on and I tried my best to avoid Alianne, that girl was seriously starting to freak me out and the later into the day it got the more angry or tempered she seemed. To my luck the rest of my teachers had seating charts and I wasn't seated beside Alianne which was a relief. She either sat way behind me or in the front of the class.

I was relieved as the last class let out. I had the rest of the day to myself so I took advantage of it and headed up to the dorm to set my bags down. I grabbed my mini satchel and tossed in my two favorite books and my camera along with my diary and a quill pen and headed out of the dorm. I wanted to get out of the common rooms before Alianne spotted me, she was sure to try and follow me and I didn't want her to.

I made it out of the castle doors without any sight of the crazed girl and ran the length through the gardens towards the orb. I knelt to the ground and ran my fingers along it and stood to my feet. This was it, now or never. In a moment I would know whether I was pure of ancestory enough to pass through.

Genesis Gryffindor and the Magical Orb - Book 3Where stories live. Discover now