everything that is going on right now

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TW: i slightly talk about rape

This is super late and it is about the election. i didn't want to post because I was still trying to absorb everything.
I think it is pretty shitty that Trump won and there's this pro-Trump girl in my class and she is really crusty and she'll probably already calling racial slurs around town.

I feel especially bad for:

the hijabis who are thinking about whether or not they should wear their hijabs because they are afraid.

the Muslims that are getting called terrorists because people are ignorant pieces of shit.

the rape victims that would be denied abortions because they were 'immorally dressed' or 'they should have known better'

the trans people that would be chastised even more because people don't understand them

the lgbt+ community that is constantly ridiculed for being sexually attracted to the same sex. (someone needs to educate me about this)

the people of color that will be killed because of things they can't change

i am angry at:

the white men who don't have to worry about being shamed because they bleed privilege

the white women who decided that white privilege was more important than identity

the people who could vote and didn't thank you for ruining the next four years of our lives

the people that voted for harambe and harry styles, i just hope you can be delivered from stupidity

i just think that the fact that people voted for a dead gorilla just shows how straight the priorities of Americans ate set. if you think it is funny it is. it is ridiculous how fucking stupid you are

on the bright side
thank you arvticmichael for the new cover you are the bestest

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