boys again

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so the boy i mentioned in the first chapter, well I don't like him anymore. there are a few reasons:

1. He insulted my brother

2. He's rude

3. He's arrogant

4. He molests girls in public

5. He used me.

Okay, the last one has a story.

So i liked him and on Tuesday, my dad came to school, (p.s i go to a boarding school) for this career fair thingy for my grade. So my dad brought candy and stuff like that. I was at my dad's table and he was behind me and I turned around to look at him and he told me hi, and I blushed and smiled at him, he asked someone beside me to get him a packet of Welch's (which are life btw), I got it instead bcuz i like him and stuff, he told me thank you when i gave it to him. Then during lunch, i was going to pack my plate and he was washing his hands and he passed me and he didn't even say hi or anything and at that moment I was so upset and everything but like now i know he isn't #worthit

i guess you could say i made a mistake with a mistake....

but like my friends that aren't close friends still think i like him and i don't he is just a pest and he isn't good enough for me. i have a future and i'm not ready for it to be ruined by some 14 year old boy that is v v irrelevant to my life.

grida regina; a rant bookWhere stories live. Discover now