Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

I'm free.

Or so I thought.

As I exited the school premises, I felt these weird metal like tools slide on my wrists in a forced manner causing me to jump backwards, eyes widening in shock and panic. I saw Jin and Jungkook cleverly locking my hands using handcuffs.

"What the hell, let me go!" I demanded but of course they wouldn't listen. I tried yelling for help. Then I noticed a car approaching and I tried to attract as much attention as possible. Then the car stopped and Jimin and Jungkook let go of me. Stupidly, I ran straight to the car holding but couldn't open the door due to my handcuffs.

Im screwed. Perhaps the consequent unfortunate series of events had taken a toll on my exhaustion, increased its impact on me even more than it already has.

The person inside the car however, opened the door for me and shouted, "Get in!"

Thank you. I'm safe. What the heck? Safe? What's happening with me?

I sat down on the car seat, panting. I turned back around to see Jimin and Jungkook. To my surprise, I saw them smirk and wave goodbye.

What was their problem? Were they bipolar?

I then looked at the driver who was wearing sunglasses. I bowed my head and said thank you. I looked back out the window, watching the sky run past me.

Then I realized something.

I turned back at the driver and stared at him for a few seconds.


I took off the sunglasses and screamed.

"TAEHYUNG! WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU? SHEESH." I ranted on and on for ages until I attempted to escape the vehicle by unlocking the doors.

Laughing he said, "You might hurt yourself, just come with me."

I wanted to but I couldn't.
He went too far.

I should've not been stubborn in the first place and just listened to what he had to say to confirm my thoughts.

"Taehyung! Let me go please!" I demanded.
He stopped the car and I opened the door.

I walked away form the vehicle angrily. I couldn't stand anymore of what was happening.

Then I felt him grab my wrist forcefully. Slap.

Another well done Sana. Why am I becoming so violent?

Taehyung looked at me, puzzled then began boasting in laughter. I furrowed my eyebrows and asked him, "What's funny?"

"You are," He responded.

I need to get out of here. He was simply being immature.

I pulled away my arm that was clenched in his and started walking away again.

"Okay I'm sorry!" He yelled, practically throwing his hands in the air, surrendering. "I'm sorry,"

He sounded sincere for once.

"I should've not done this to you, I'm sorry,"

I turned around and he started approaching me. He gave me a tight hug.

"You're going to America?" I asked, a tired sigh escaping my lips.

"I'm sorry Sana. I was really planning on telling you but with everything that's going on in your life right now I couldn't—"

I pushed him away before he got the chance to utter another word that was nonsense.

"Seriously?" I argued. "You can insensitively tell me about how much you love your girlfriends but not tell me you're leaving for another country?"

He looked at me, confused.

"Why are you so angry?" He furrowed his eyebrows.

"You're leaving me here in short notice. Who wouldn't get mad?" I responded.

He slowly approached me and cupped my cheeks.

"I have to," He let out a soft exhale.

I rolled my eyes and gave a sarcastic chuckle. I was getting enough of this unbelievable conversation.
I took a step back and pursed on my bottom lip, anxiously.

I had to tell him. He was leaving anyways so it didn't really matter anymore.

"Why are you so...mad?" He asked me, yet again.

I couldn't believe his question. Why would I be mad? Then everything started coming out.

"Why would I not be mad? You were the only person that was there for me and I couldn't help but...just...— but you never saw me as anything more than a friend..." All my bottled emotions poured out perpetually. "All those girls, you hooked up with left a scar on my heart. I love you. I fell for you. Why—"

I was cut off from his deep voice.

"What?" His mouth was agape. "You you have feelings for me?"

I closed my eyes forcing my tears to escape.

What have I done?

I did what I did best — I walked away, leaving him there. I was taught by my mother's example  to walk away from situations rather than courageously face them. His head was facing the ground and he was frozen like a statue in a museum. I could tell he was in shock, of course he is. Who would have not been?

As I walked away, he reached out for my hand, "Wait."

I couldn't look at him anymore. I was ashamed of myself and despising how weak I was. I used to be strong willed and genuinely ecstatic but oh have times have changed.

I missed my old self, the self that glimmers would shine in her eyes every awaited morning, overjoyed about the beauty of the day and everything and everyone that I was going to encounter and share my following 24 hours with. I want to be strong again. I want to be happy.

"I'm sorry Kim Taehyung." I said as I released my hands from his, "I'm sorry..."

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