Day I - Beginning

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"Get the fuck outta bed!" Zayn screams in Harry's face and laughs at his expression of slight panic before falling on the bed in pain as Harry's arm shoots up and his elbow connects with his jaw.

"Ya fuckin' prick," Harry's voice is scratchy with sleep and he kicks the tanned boy out of his bed so he can roll back over onto his pillow, sighing happily as he snuggled into the warmth. Zayn groans as Liam helps him up from the ground and Liam laughs at the way he's glaring at him.

"Do we really have to go through this everyday, guys?" Zayn snatches his arm from Liam's grip and grabs the end of Harry's blanket, pulling it off his body.

"God dammit, Zayn. It's Saturday, let me sleep." Zayn shakes his head at Harry's laying form, still with his head shoved in the pillow.

"No can do, we've got a party to attended." he walks over to his closet and pulls out some jeans and a plain shirt, throwing it on Harry's desk chair.

"No thanks," Harry shuffles to the end of the bed to grab his blanket so he can burrow himself in it once more. Liam grabs at the blanket and tears it from Harry's body.

"Who's side are you even on?" Harry glares up at his two smirking best friends.

"Sorry, mate, but I agree with Zayn. You're getting up and were going to a party." Harry finally lets the boys drag him out of bed and down the hall to the dorms bathroom where they push him into an icy cold shower (I h-h-hate you guys) and they slap some clothes into his hands. Harry finds himself in the front lawn of a frats house. They brought him to a bloody frat party.

"Have I told you guys how much I hate you?" Zayn rolls his eyes and pats Harry on the back before started up towards the open door, stepping over a boy laying in a puddle of (Harry hopes) his own vomit and Harry cringes in distaste. This is disgusting. Nonetheless, he gets dragged by Liam up the steps and he's suddenly surrounded by a thumping bass and bodies are all close together almost molding into one as they dance dirtily on the makeshift dance floor. Liam yells over the music but Harry can't hear so he shakes his head in confusion. He points his finger to himself and then to what Harry thinks is the kitchen and then points at Harry. Harry puts two and two together and realizes he's going to go get them drinks, so he nods and makes his way to the corner where its a bit quieter.

"Fucking frats," he mumbles under his breath as he watches girls barley covered in clothing dance and the boys stare at them like they're a prize to win. Harry feels someone knock into his shoulder and he stumbles a bit before turning around. A boy is standing there, all but about four inches shorter than Harry with messy brown hair and blue eyes and he's smirking up at Harry.

"What was that, mate?" Harry assumes he's part of the frat and he probably heard his comment but he can't find it in himself to care all to much.

"I said fucking frats. Bunch of lunatics, you are." Harry looks over the crowd and his nose turns up as a guy pukes his brains out into a potted plant.

"Not a fan of frats I assume?" they have to lean and talk into one another's ears to hear over the music and Harry can smell the slightly sweet alcohol on his breath but he doesn't look too smashed so he just shrugs his shoulder.

"Not really my scene," the boy nods like he'd expected Harry to say something like that.

"My names Louis by the way," Louis takes a sip from his cup and raises an eyebrow in question.

"Harry," Louis looks him up and down and passes his cup filled with the unknown alcoholic liquid to Harry.

"Here, Harry, drink up. Maybe it'll loosen you." Harry listens because he hasn't seen Zayn since they got here and Liam is still gone so why the hell not spend his time here with this gorgeous frat boy and drink a little? The thing is, when Harry gets drunk he gets sarcastic and when he gets sarcastic he starts fights. So after Louis' handed him cup after cup after cup of the clear, surprisingly sweet yet bitter drink, he heads up the stairs to use to use the bathroom. He's laughing to himself about a joke Louis had told him while trying to pull himself up the stairs without falling back down. He makes it to the top successfully and makes his way towards the first door but he collides with a body. Niall has just walked out a room with a bunch of his friends where they set up a keg and he's completely smashed and when Niall's drunk he gets brave and when he gets brave he becomes rude and arrogant and always tries to pick a fight.

"Fucking hell!" the boys screams and Harry laughs because geez it's just a drink. The boy looks up, fury in his light blue eyes and his fist bawl up by his sides.

"Wadda laughin' at?" Harry giggles and leans against the wall to balance himself.

"I'm laughing at you, blondie," the boy glares and pushes a rough finger to Harry's chest.

"Don't call me that," Harry looks at his shirt and the name 'Horan' is written across the front and he thinks what kind of name is that?

"Listen here, Horan, or whoever the fuck you are," Harry starts, waggling his finger around a bit.

"I need to take a piss, so scoot ya butt over or you'll have a nice little peepee stain on your shirt to match the beer," Harry smiles all big and toothy and bops this Horan kid on the nose with his finger. Horan glares and pushes Harry up against the wall with his arm pressed against his throat.

"Don't tell me what to fuckin' do!" Harry turns his head and fake gags over Niall's shoulder.

"You, my pal, need a breath mint." the boys nose flares in fury and he's biting the inside of his cheek harshly so Harry pats his arm.

"Hey, you're kinda cute, frat boy. I really don't wanna piss on ya so please let me down cutie so I can use the bathroom," Niall slowly brings his arm away from Harry's throat and backs away still glaring.

"You may be cute but you're a dick," the blond boy jumps and pushes Harry hard against the wall. Harry losses all playfulness and looks at the boy in anger.

"Touch me again ya prick and I'll give you a bloody nose." Niall pushes against his shoulder again so he hits the wall and smirks. Just as Harry sends his fist to Niall's nose he's being pulled back into someones grip and Louis' arms wrap around the blonde.

"Niall! Calm the fuck down," Harry's confused for a second because who the fuck is Niall? but then he realizes that's probably the blonde who's struggling against Louis' arms with blood trickling down his nose. He starts fighting against the person who's holding him back yelling vulgar insults at Niall who's doing the same. The person drags him down the stairs and through the sea of college kids, some staring at the scene, and into the front yard where they throw Harry on the ground. He looks up and sees it was Liam who had pulled him away and he looks furious as he starts raging on and on about how this happens every time Harry drinks and Harry wants to tell him he didn't even want to fucking be here in the first place but instead he lays his head on the grass and closes his eyes, his fist aching and heart still thumping angrily at the stupid blonde boy as he falls asleep.

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