Meeting Gerard

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We finally reached the room that entered the backstage area. There where two security guards standing outside with blank expressions on their faces. I can't imagine what they must have to go through all throught the day, screaming fangirls and such.

As much as I wanted to scream and do a literal freaking backflip, I promised myself I would stay calm and act like a decent human being.

We handed the guards our passes and they opened the doors and let us through.

Behind the doors was not really what you would expect. It was a very simple, large main room with gray walls and black floors. It contained a few vending machines and those artificial plants that you seem to find everywhere now a days.

A guard guided us to another area and opened another door.

Behind the door was about 3 girls in a line and Gerard standing behind a little desk-ish type thing.

I felt my eyes widen. As much as i wanted to hold in any signs of excitement, I just couldn't. "I...y/ about to meet Gerard Way," I thought.

After a few minutes I noticed only one girl was in front of me in the line. I felt kind of bad for her. Her voice was super shaky, like she was trying to hold back tears. She managed not to cry and overall did quite well in contolling herself.

Before I knew it, it was my turn. I stepped forward and Gerard smiled. "Hey aren't you the girl who fell?"

"Yeah, sorry about that" I said with a short, awkward giggle.

"Your laugh is cute." He said smiling.

I felt myself blush but I did everything in my power to hide it.
"Anyways, My name is Y/n," I said. "Can you sign this?" I handed him a copy of the "Welcome to the Black Parade" Album.

Gerard's POV

Next in line walked up a girl with h/c hair and e/c eyes. I recognised her immediately. She was the girl who fell. I'm glad she's okay, I thought.

She...for whatever reason apologized. Then she laughed. Honestly, it was quite adorable.

Afterwards she handed me her copy of the black parade album to sign. As I was signing it I smiled. I noticed how she just seemed to have a really-i guess you could say- colourful, sunshine-y presense to her.

It was almost .......comforting.

I glanced over to the clock and noticed she had 30 seconds left before her session was over yet, I felt like I wasn't done talking to her.

I quickly wrote down my number next to my name on the album case and handed it back to her. She put the case in her bag and didn't look at it. I had faith though that she would discover it later.

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