Ezra 4

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Ezra groaned. Maul was definitely messing with him on purpose, but Ezra didn't know what Maul was playing at. I hope he doesn't hurt anybody else in my little adopted family, Ezra thought. Maul was trouble. He was planning something and Ezra kept falling for his freaking kindness! Why does Maul have to be so nice?! I really should tell Kanan, but something is holding me back, He thought. Was it The Force itself telling Ezra not to tell Kanan. I don't know, Ezra thought with a groan. Whatever Maul was trying to do to Ezra, it seemed to be working. Ezra got up, walking pass the doorway into the sitting area. Hera and Sabine, were sitting there drinking Meiloorun juice. Hera smiled at Ezra as he sat down next to them, she said,"Hope you had a good sleep last night Ezra, we have a busy day ahead of us." Ezra nodded,"Sort of I've been having these strange...dreams lately. But I'm fine." He added, once he saw Hera's worried expression,"I'm going to see if Kanan is up yet. Later!" Ezra called as he made his way to Kanan's room. His master was still sleeping, his mask was on the floor, Ezra picked it up staring at it's Jaig eyes, Sabine and Rex made it for Kanan, he smiled remembering all the questions they had for Kanan when they worked on it. Ezra glanced at Kanan's sleeping form, What am I going to do, Ezra thought.

Sabine and Rex actually did make Kanan's mask. I think Dave Filoni was talking about it, I can't remember. Oh well, thanks for reading!

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