Niall - The Guy of Allison's Dreams [PART 2]

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Three months.. three whole months she had waited. Not a single day had she not thought of him. Everything she would do would remind her of him. Thousands of tears she had cried since he left. She missed the tickle wars, she missed his daily visits, she missed the sleep overs, she missed the stupid fights they had, but what she missed most was him. His Irish face, his deep irresistable voice, his hair.. she missed all of it.. 

Day after day she would look outside of her window like usual to see if he would come. After hours of disappointment, she would again cry herself to sleep. 

One day she heard a knock on the door. With excitement she ran to the door and opened it.

"NIA-," she screamed out with excitement, but then stopped mid-way with disappoint to see that the person she had opened the door for was not Niall.. Instead it was Zayn.

"Oh, hi Zayn. Come on in," she said said quietly.

"Hi, Allison. Niall sent me over to check on you. How have you been these days," Zayn asked.

"Miserable, Zayn, miserable. I miss him so much," she said as hot tears started streaming down her face, "Most of the time, I wish he was here with me. So much as been going on here and I really need him right now..."

"He'll be back soon, Ally.. Don't worry, once he's back you'll be able to do the things you guys used to do again," Zayn said as he held her close to him, "Perrie and I aren't close a lot of the time either... Sometimes, we just have to be strong. You have to be strong too, Ally.."

Allison stayed quiet as tears kept flowing down her face. She knew she had to be strong, but it had been three hard months without him. She was afraid she wouldn't survive another month.. Soon, Zayn had to leave.

"Stay strong, Ally," Zayn said.

"I'll try," she said, but she knew she couldn't stay strong any longer...

Two more weeks had passed as Allison grew more desperate of Niall's return. She had totally shut herself to everyone. For two weeks she barely spoke a word and the farthest she went from her bed was to the kitchen. No one had acess to her room and hundreds of fresh tears covered her knees.

One day, she heard a knock on the door. 

"Go away," she said between sniffles.

"It's me," said a familiar voice. A voice that was heard daily. A voice that brought comfort and warmth to her during the toughest times. The voice was lost of months, but finally found its place home.... IT WAS NIALL!!!

"NIALL," she screamed as she lept from her bed to the door frantically. He's finally home.. he's finally home.......

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2013 ⏰

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