Chapter 2

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As we pull up to school im already thinking of how bad the next two years are gonna be without my brothers, i already have a load of girls either trying to be my friend to get close to them or teasing me because they're jealous of how close i am to them, i mean what do they expect, theyre my brothers, i love them to bits. The more i think about it the more i dread September coming. I cant believe my bups are moving across the country, even the thought of it makes me want to cry, Ive never spent a day without seeing them at least once. They always let me help them with their videos and stuff. I dont see what im supposed to do without them, they said they'll come visit and i could always spend school breaks out in LA, but it wont be the same.

"Eva, whats up, why are you crying? Do you hate school that much?" Grayson asked looking at me through the car mirror.  Like i said, even the the thought of them moving makes me want to cry.

"Eva?" Ethan calls my name sounding worried

"Yeah, im fine uhh, i was thinking of umm, yanno you guys moving, ive never gone a day without you and im really gonna miss you" i said wiping a tear off of my cheek

Grayson swung open the door on the passenger side of the truc. Great he doesnt even care how i feel, now i just feel like an idiot. Before i could say anything the car door on my side opened to reveal Grayson tearing up. 

"Im gonna miss you Ev' more than you know it but lets not think about it, we still have a week or two left before we leave so lets make 'em count" he said giving me a reassuring smile as he helped me out of the car and engulfed me into a hug. We walked around to Ethans side of the car, Graysons arm around my shoulder. Ethan locked the car and crouched down to be the same height as me...

"Dont think about how long until we move princess, think of all we've been through together. Like we said every break you get from this hell hole we'll get you strait on the plain to come and see us" he said pulling me into a hug and from underneath Gray's arm.

"Thats the point E, its a hell hole with you here so what will it be without you" I whispered to him and pulled back "yes i might be able to see you in the school breaks but it wont be the same, I'm gonna miss having you both annoying the heck outta me to wake me up, im gonna mi-" i was cut off by the bell and headed to my first period, English. We walked through the hall, me stood between E and Gray but as soon as we approached a group of older boys all whistling at me the both of them put an arm around my shoulder real quick. They walked with me all the way to my first class "guess I'll see you both at lunch?"

"Yup" Ethan said popping to 'p' "see you later, I love you" 

"Bye Ev' love ya" 

God, I honestly dont know how im going to survive without these. I watched them walk down the hall before tuning into my English class. I walked to the back right corner where all my friends were sat (Brandon, Elise, Sammy, Kia and Elijah), we were sat in twos so i went and sat by none other than Sammy Jones.

---- Skips To Lunch ----

I walked into the cafeteria to see Ethan fighting, but who? I I pushed past a bunch of random people to take a look who it was and to my surprise it was the most popular kid in school, Jackson Ashford. He was by far the best looking guy ive ever seen, pretty long dark brown hair swept to the side with blonde highlights, bluey grey eyes, tan skin, 6 foot, he was hot, realllyyyyy hot. I was dragged out of my thoughts after hearing Ethan yell "YOU WONT BE TOUCHING MY SISTER, I WONT LET YOU" and out of no where he threw a punch right at Jackson's nose 

"What are you gonna do about it Dolan" he chuckled "you aint gonna be around for long, youre leaving her here. What makes you think that after you throw her aside like trash she isnt gonna need a little comfort from yours truly" he said putting his hands under his chin.

"Ashford i promise you, if you touch MY LITTLE SISTER it WILL be the last thing you do" i felt my cheeks heating up hearing Ethan stand up for me "youre not gonna go anywhere near her understand me?" He yelled getting even more attention  

Jackson chuckled as he spotted me in the crowd "ahh there you are princess" he said Ethan balling up his fists. I look around to see all eyes on me and Grayson walking into the cafeteria "dont worry baby girl, even the neighbors will know my name when these two move" he said signaling to Gray, and with that all hell broke loose, Ethan jumped on Jackson striking him over and over again with his firsts which were balled up tighter than a nuns vagina. All i could do was cry, Gray ran to the middle and practically peeled Ethan away from the fight. Jackson watched me walk out before making yet another sarcastic remark "awh Dolan, now look what youve done" 

With that i walked as fast as i could to the back of the school and sat on a bench and shorly after so did the twins...



Idk why im writig authors noted lmao, im writing these for fun and i doubt ill get any reads but it doesnt bother me, I enjoy writing this already

thanks for reading, PEACE✌️️💜

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