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Sky's POV

Early in the morning I didn't even fully wake up and I had a message in our whatsapp group.

Alexis:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ct6BUPvE2sM

Panda: Pen pineapple apple cringe XD

Sky: Whats this?

Alexis: Your worst nigtmare

Darren: I hate you all.

Alexis: You wish

I opened the link and the song started playing. At first I started playing and  it was cringy, then I started laughing out loud, then I found myself singing along, then laughing, then dancing, then laughing, then cringing.

I heard loud laughing then looked up to see Kirs.

"What are you listening to?" She smiled brightly, with her red puffy cheeks.

"Pen pineapple apple pen." I sang. She laughed and plopped on her bed.

I shared the link to twitter. Captioning it: Funniest thing I've ever seen!!!! If You haven't seen it, go right now #PPAP.

Not 5 minutes later i got loads of replies, I'm still not accustomed to it though.



Hiiiii pplsss, I know. I haven't updated in a while. I'm sorry lovelies. I'm gonna end this book at the chapter after this one, and I'll make a book two *dodges bottles* Please don't hate me. I know this is a very short chapter so bare with me. The next one will actually the last chappy, I'm sorry :(

Love youuuuuu

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