The Sciutos

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McGee felt like his brain was melting.

"Sarah, what are you doing here?" he asked as they hugged. "Last time I saw you, it was at your graduation!"

Playfully, Sarah ruffled her brother's hair. "Time marches on when you're not paying attention—I'm a freelance photojournalist now, remember?"

"Oh, yeah." McGee laughed nervously, still confused. "How did you find the Sciutos?"

"It's kind of a long story, but the short of it is that I was doing a story on people with service animals, and I was introduced to Clementine and her parents, so I could interview them for the piece. They invited me to stay for the holidays, and ta-da: here I am."

McGee turned to Abby. "How long have you known?"

"Just a week. Are you surprised, Tim?"

"Yes, but it's a good surprise." he kissed Abby's temple. "Thank you."

Meanwhile, Sarah's eyes flickered between Abby's baby bump and then to Rubyjane, who was now with Clementine and tightly clutching to the hem of her skirt.

"So I'm an auntie, too?"

Abby nodded and tapped her middle with one finger. "I'm due in early April, but we still don't know if it's a boy or a girl yet because the baby keeps turning over when the doctor goes to check."

"My birthday is in early April." Sarah winked before inclining her head in Rubyjane's direction. "And this is our sweet Rubyjane?"

Clementine gave a nod, stroking the top of her new niece's dark locks. "Yep, and she's a sweetheart, but she seems to be shy, all of a sudden."

Sarah approached her and spoke gently. "Hi, baby girl. I'm your Auntie Sarah, and I'm so happy that you're finally here!"

Rubyjane blew her a kiss and then looked up at Clementine. "Is it time for food?"

"Just about, my friend." Clementine replied as there was a round of soft laughter from the others. "You like bumblebees, right?"

"Yes!" Rubyjane said with an enthusiastic gasp.

"Well, I found this little guy today, and he needs a friend!"

From a nearby shelf, Clementine plucked a brown Build-A-Bear that she'd made at the mall earlier that day and handed it to Rubyjane. The toy was dressed in a black and yellow striped sweatshirt that had shimmery gauze wings protruding from the back. The sweater also featured a hood that had antennae on the top, making the toy even more like a bumblebee, and even more like a toy that Rubyjane would find appealing.

"Thank you!" Rubyjane took her bear and hugged it before taking one of Clementine's hands in her own and looking up at her. "I love it!"

"Oh, I'm so glad!" Clementine beamed at her. "Do you want to go say hello to my mommy and daddy? They're your mommy's, Auntie Ellie Kate's, and Uncle Luca's parents, too! They even have dogs, like how I have Scout!"

Rubyjane looked around. "Where are they?"

Clementine pointed to a hallway to the right. "This way, baby. Come on."

Clementine and Rubyjane led the way down the hallway, with Scout the dog walking faithfully beside her mistress. Ellie Kate and Luca fell into place behind them, and Abby after them. Bringing up the rear were the McGees, with Tim speaking first.

"Sarah, seriously—what's happening? Why are you really in Louisiana?"

Sarah rolled her eyes and pulled her brother aside. "Look—I know a lot of things have changed since the last time I was at The Navy Yard, what with me graduating college early and then getting my choice job almost immediately, but I promise that I will fill you in soon enough."

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